5 Ways to Show Customer Appreciation
Thoughtful "thank you" gifts are an effective tool to express your gratitude for your customers’ loyalty. Just remember, recognition is the main goal. Make sure your attempts to express customer appreciation don’t come across as self-serving—a means to boost business. Instead, make it all about them! Be Authentic. Giving for the mere purpose of getting can be as obvious as an overdone sales pitch. And it can actually harm your business. Your genuine expression of gratitude should excite your customer
Growth Tactic #93 When Customers Leave–Learn from an Exit Interview
It’s not about you—it’s about them. Well, more accurately, when someone walks away from your business, it’s all about their customer experience. The worst thing you can do is to take it personally (easy to say, right?). This should help: focus on how to avoid making the same mistakes in the future, with our advice from Growth Tactic #93 of your 100-Day Digital Growth Plan, When Customers Leave—Learn from an Exit Interview. OVERVIEW--When Customers Leave--Learn from an Exit Interview