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Growth Tactic #69: Use Your Blog to Target Niche Groups

You’re not a generic business owner are you? So why would you want to be the owner of a cookie cutter blog? It’s no secret that trying to get your blog to stand out amongst competitors’ is challenging – but there are tools and tactics for that (like the one you’re reading now, you lucky duck!). In this most recent post, Growth Tactic #69 in your 100-Day Digital Growth Plan, you’ll learn how to Use Your Blog to Target Niche Groups to increase interest, generate engagement, and carve out your well-deserved place in the overcrowded blog space. 

OVERVIEW – Use Your Blog to Target Niche Groups Find Your Niche in block letters on rubber stamps

Your blog. Your rules. In Growth Tactic #55, we discussed how to micro-target your blog posts for increased engagement. Today, we’re going to review how you can micro-target your entire blog by finding your niche and sticking with it. Instead of updating your current blog with content that everyone (who matters) has already seen time and time again – hone your specialty and get specific.

Overhaul your blog – the look, feel, tone, and content. What do you know best…and what do they want to learn most? With this tactic, you can position yourself as an industry leader with THE must-follow blog on “insert new, refined blog focus here.” Show off your skills, color outside the lines, and direct your words of wisdom toward a small group of people who will actually make use of your brilliant ideas. Say goodbye to fluff and filler and become a niche blog master.


STEP ONE: Read up a bit to get a good, solid understanding of what a niche blog actually is, why you need one, and how you can create your very own. Here’s one example to get you thinking.   

STEP TWO: Create your Customer Avatar to find out who your ideal consumer is–who you should you be selling to and trying to connect with. See our Resources and Tools section below for a worksheet that can help you with this step. Once you’ve determined “the who,” it’s time decide on “the what” – your new niche blog theme and your first dozen or so post concepts.

STEP THREE: Decide on a new template for your upgraded blog – set yours apart, while remaining true to your brand image. Have your team or a freelancer help you get it up and running. Post number one should at least be partially dedicated to explaining the new look, feel, and focus of your blog. Email your list with the update and alert your social fans that they’re in for a treat.


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