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Facebook Brand Pages

Ways to Use Facebook Brand Pages

With only two more weeks before the big Facebook change to Timeline, you should either be working on your business Page or have implemented the changes. If you’re not used to how things look and work, here are some ways in which you market your business with your new Page.

Cover Photo

By now, you’ve probably read articles on Facebook’s best brand Cover Photos and how engaging they are. There’s a reason that these companies were highlighted—they took a captivating photo that best represented their brand and what they represent.

While you can’t add calls to action, pricing or contact info, you can draw users in by having an interesting 851 x 315 pixel photo in the space. The great thing is that you can change your Facebook Cover Photo as often as you’d like.

Pin and Star Posts

With the Facebook Timeline, you can use new features like pinning or starring to highlight certain posts you want users to see at the top of your Timeline. For up to 7 days, you can pin a promotion, contest or status update so that users see it when first landing on your Page.

If you star a post, it has the same benefits as pinning but the starred post takes up the width of your profile, 843 x 403 pixels. This is great for images and videos you want displayed at the top of your Timeline.


In order to get Facebook users and customers engaged, create contests that allow them to get involved. Pin a contest at the top of your Timeline so that it will be visible to users. Don’t be afraid to incorporate your Timeline in the contest. Perhaps you want users to go back and find certain clues or facts throughout your Timeline. Contests can be as easy or as challenging as you wish to make them.

Go Back in Time

Setting up your Timeline gives you the chance to rediscover company milestones and events you might have forgotten about. Each moment in your company’s history can be added so that users are made known of awards, events and products you have launched in the past, giving them a sense that they’re even closer to your brand.

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