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Use SEO to Manage your Reputation

Companies are becoming more interested in managing their reputation online through search engine optimization. Search engines are ahead of marketing when it comes to reputation management.

Businesses are growing increasingly aware of the suggested search results that can appear in relation to their company. Companies also want to use social networks to help manage their presence online, which they can do with SEO companies.

Studies have shown that visitors are influenced by search engine results, therefore a negative suggestion that is in the search engine can be limiting the number of visitors to the websites. If a user types in a brand name and is instantly greeted with links to reviews or forums where there is negative publicity surrounding the company, he or she is more likely to be skeptical of the company from the outset.

In order to combat this issue, companies need reputation management. Engaging in open and honest discussion is always best, as well as genuinely addressing concerns of your customers. For example, if your business is the subject of a product recall or scandal, being open is better than trying to cover up the problem, as this only breeds distrust and bolsters negative mentions online.

Companies can use an SEO company to help get the negative results pushed back so consumers don’t see those first results in the search engine. Customers pay attention to the top results the most, so doing this type of damage control will help get your organic results back to top rankings in the search engines.

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