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Unwrapping the 2023 Holiday Season

PabloR the grinch wearing balenciaga style clothing 9c286305 e81d 4e9c a618 c084e0bcb9e7Hey there, fellow marketers! Ever wished for a Grinch’s heart, one that grows three sizes to reveal the secrets of the holiday season’s marketing wonders?

Well, while we can’t promise a visit from the Grinch himself (bummer, we know!), we’ve got the next best thing – a treasure trove of data and insights from yesteryears and the freshest scoops from 2023 to guide your sleigh right!

Now, grab a cup of hot cocoa, and let’s cozy up with some trends that are making waves this year.

We’ve spotted four hot trends that are just begging to be a part of your 2023 strategy. So, let’s unwrap these early Christmas presents together, shall we?


Bargain Hunting in the Time of Inflation

Alright, let’s talk turkey (or should we say, Christmas turkey?).

The economy is playing hard to get, and our dear customers are holding onto their wallets a little tighter.

Inflation is the Grinch that’s here to stay, at least for this holiday season, making discounts the star atop the Christmas tree.

Guess what?

A whopping 88% of folks in a Numerator survey hinted that inflation is going to play the Grinch with their holiday spending.

But fear not, because 67% of these savvy shoppers are all set to hunt down those big, juicy bargains (while the other half are planning to play it cool with fewer items in their cart).


Early Bird Gets the Worm… and the Best Deals!

Remember the good old days of 2022 when retailers played hard to get discounts until the big shopping days rolled around? Well, those days are gone, my friend!

This year, it seems like Amazon is ringing the Christmas bells a tad earlier, urging retailers to shower us with holiday deals sooner than ever.



With Amazon hosting a second Prime Day in October (they’re calling it the Prime Big Deals Day, fancy, right?), other sellers are bound to join the early festive bandwagon.

So, it’s time to dust off your holiday marketing plans and bring out the big guns early in the season. And hey, if discounts aren’t your cup of tea, how about throwing in a gift card or a special bundle at a festive price?


Social Media: The New Santa’s Workshop

Move over, to traditional shopping methods, because social media is the new Santa’s workshop where all the magic happens!

From Facebook to Instagram, shoppers are turning to these platforms for some serious holiday inspiration.

And guess what?

They’re expecting some top-notch content and a seamless shopping experience to boot.

So, if you haven’t already, it’s time to jazz up your social media strategy with a sprinkle of holiday cheer. Think engaging videos, live streams, and maybe even a sprinkle of TikTok magic to capture the hearts (and wallets) of the younger crowd.


Bring Customers Back for More

The holiday season isn’t just about attracting new faces; it’s a golden opportunity to rekindle the flame with your loyal customer base. So, how can you sprinkle a little holiday magic to bring them back into your warm, welcoming arms? Here are some ideas…


Personalized Offers and Messages

Nothing says “We missed you!” quite like a personalized offer landing in your inbox. Use data from previous purchases to craft offers that are just too good to resist. A little note saying, “Thought this might catch your eye!” can work wonders.


Exclusive Preview Sales

Give your loyal customers the VIP treatment by inviting them to an exclusive preview sale. It’s a fantastic way to make them feel special and appreciated, all while getting them excited about your holiday offerings.


Engaging Social Media Campaigns

Get your customers buzzing on social media with engaging campaigns that encourage interaction and sharing. Think holiday contests, interactive live sessions, and festive hashtags to get the conversation flowing.


Loyalty Program Perks

If you have a loyalty program, now’s the time to ramp it up! Offer double points, exclusive discounts, or a special gift with purchase to reward your loyal customers for their continued support.


Festive Workshops and Events

Host virtual or in-store workshops and events to get your customers in the holiday spirit. Whether it’s a gift-wrapping workshop or a festive DIY session, it’s a great way to foster community and bring customers back into the fold.


This Is The Season – To Succeed

Remember that this make-or-break season is full of options and opportunities to unwrap. You should also know that you have National Positions to lend a helping hand! If you are at a loss or struggling where to begin – contact our team to see what’s possible!

If you are more of a DIY type you should check out our Unwrapping Profitability ebook for the holidays that you can download for free by clicking here. Let’s make it a great season together!

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