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Three Benefits of Facebook Brand Pages

Ever since the Facebook Timeline for businesses was launched, there have been mixed reviews on if they would be beneficial or not. Well, if used properly, the Timeline can be an extremely valuable way for  your business to display your products.

Here are some reasons why Facebook brand pages will be useful for both your business and for customers.

Content and Conversation

Now that the Timeline is in full effect for all business pages, it’s a great way to encourage fresh content to be posted. Instead of being able to have a storefront as the landing page with the old layout, the new Timeline requires your business to engage more with users by posting new content on a regular basis. This is beneficial, because it drives traffic to your business website or storefront.

You are also able to pin posts for up to seven days to the top of the Timeline, but you shouldn’t rely on this all the time. Important posts should be pinned, not every post. If you post daily content that is helpful or that users will value, it will encourage conversation. If you create polls, ask questions, etc. you’ll get user interaction.

Seller Expression

As you know, you need a cover photo on your Page in order to grab users’ attention. Even though you are limited to what you’re able to post, an eye-catching image will get users interested. The more you rotate your cover, the better.

Storefront applications are also more visible with the Timeline design. Now you’re able to have a larger image as your icon.

With the new storefront application canvas, your profile information will now move to the top of the page. This lets you have an 810 pixel wide experience for shoppers compared to the previous one of only 520 pixels. This lets you have more products and larger product photos above the fold.

Insights and Tools

The great thing about the new Timeline is that now you’re able to track how successful a post was minutes after sharing it. This allows you the opportunity to alter a post if it isn’t performing as well as you’d hoped.

While there are those who might not be used to the concept of the Facebook Timeline just yet, some of the benefits really make it worth it.

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