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IGTV and YouTube Battle for Video Superiority

September 6, 2018
Brands and consumers don’t always see eye to eye. Consumers are savvier than ever and tend to be a little skeptical when it comes to advertising. But when it comes to video content, and even video marketing, consumers and content creators just can’t get enough. Enter IGTV. While it had been rumored for months – there is now another major player in the online long-form video game. Instagram (and their parent company Facebook) launched IGTV on June 20, 2018, taking

How to Find the Perfect Influencers for Your Brand

May 10, 2018
  People are tired of traditional advertising. They skip through commercials and ignore banner ads. They’re skeptical of marketing claims. In the age social media, people want to hear from other people, preferably people they trust. They listen to friends, family, and coworkers. They read reviews and the watch influencers.  They also follow influencers – trendsetters, celebrities, YouTube stars, critics, bloggers, experts, analysts – major players who have gathered large and active followings on social media channels. Influencers hold sway

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3 Places to Find Your Target Audience

January 23, 2018
Locking down your target market is only half the battle. The next step is uncovering how your audience acts and where to target that audience online. You may have produced some of the best digital content on the web, but it’s all a waste if that content isn’t placed where your target audience spends their time. This stands true for all forms of marketing; the exposure is what really delivers the results you’re seeking. So if you don’t have time

7 Best Viral Campaigns of 2017

January 8, 2018
Viral. What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you think of that word? It doesn’t paint a pretty picture in your head, does it? But when it comes digital marketing campaigns, “viral” actually means something incredible. It means you did it. You won the Internet. So what does it really take to make a digital marketing campaign go viral? To create a campaign that everyone’s heard of – that everyone’s talking about? It demands a seamless strategy, impeccable

National Positions’ Top 10 of 2017!

December 26, 2017
With all that has happened in the world of digital marketing over the past year, knowing how to approach 2018 can be a strategy in and of itself! Every year, we work to bring new and dynamic content straight to your door - to help pull back the curtain and show you what’s happening, changing, or approaching the world of digital marketing. After all - the more you know, the more you can adapt. But before we dive headfirst into

Growth Tactic #41 – Build a Best Blogs Video Series

March 3, 2017
Tap into that valuable goldmine of information sitting in your archives and transform past blogs into a new, cost-effective video series. You know video is the hot up-and-coming format, but maybe you haven’t yet figured out how to generate the new content needed to keep up with the trend. It’s easier than you think to Build a Best Blogs Video Series. Learn how in Growth Tactic #41 from your 100-Day Digital Growth Plan. OVERVIEW – BUILD A BEST BLOGS VIDEO