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How to Find the Perfect Influencers for Your Brand

May 10, 2018
  People are tired of traditional advertising. They skip through commercials and ignore banner ads. They’re skeptical of marketing claims. In the age social media, people want to hear from other people, preferably people they trust. They listen to friends, family, and coworkers. They read reviews and the watch influencers.  They also follow influencers – trendsetters, celebrities, YouTube stars, critics, bloggers, experts, analysts – major players who have gathered large and active followings on social media channels. Influencers hold sway

How to Create the Ultimate Health and Wellness Marketing Strategy

April 13, 2018
People want to eat healthier, feel better and live longer. That desire has caused a boom in the global health and wellness market, which now rakes in almost $4 trillion dollars each year. The supplement industry alone contributes over $120 billion annually to the U.S. economy. That has proved both a blessing and a curse for those marketing nutritional supplements and other wellness products. The industry is growing, but so is the competition. In such cutthroat times, the only way

10 Marketing Trends
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7 SEO Fails to Never Make Again

April 2, 2018
Unless you’re an online marketing guru, you may not know all of the ins and outs of search engine optimization (SEO). With ever-changing algorithms, it’s hard to know if your SEO tactics are still sound. The problem is that incorrect SEO techniques can jeopardize your business’s online visibility. Yet, even as SEO continues to evolve, it still stands as one of the most widely-used marketing strategies. Since this marketing strategy is used by most online businesses, it’s important to get

7 Steps to Improving User Experience

September 6, 2017
As a generation well versed in technology, our expectations for website usability are constantly rising. This means that web developers have to keep up with their competitors, or better yet, stay ahead of them by using innovative methods to make the user experience more fluid. Though the task may seem initially daunting, it can be made easier by simply understanding what users get out of your website's interface. From there, the process of modifying your website to meet the needs

How to Be Mobile-Friendly for Online Success

June 19, 2017
Google is making mobile-friendliness a priority, so it has to be a priority for businesses seeking online success—but why? Put simply, very few people wait until they are in front of a desktop computer to do a search. Today, there’s a mobile computer in almost every pocket, so why would they wait? They won't--they'll find the sites that are mobile-friendly. According to Google, users in 10 countries, including the U.S., do the bulk of their searches via mobile devices.  Companies

Growth Tactic #93 When Customers Leave–Learn from an Exit Interview

May 16, 2017
It’s not about you—it’s about them. Well, more accurately, when someone walks away from your business, it’s all about their customer experience. The worst thing you can do is to take it personally (easy to say, right?). This should help: focus on how to avoid making the same mistakes in the future, with our advice from Growth Tactic #93 of your 100-Day Digital Growth Plan, When Customers Leave—Learn from an Exit Interview. OVERVIEW--When Customers Leave--Learn from an Exit Interview