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Why Should e-Marketers Care about Amazon Spark?

September 20, 2017
Amazon has unleashed a new feature designed to match shoppers with products and pair businesses with customers. It’s called Amazon Spark. A cross between Instagram, Pinterest, and Houzz, it’s goal is to facilitate product discovery. But how? And what should e-marketers know about the new Instagram-style feed? Amazon Steps into the World of Social Media When you think of social media, Amazon hardly comes to mind. Aside from its product reviews, the online behemoth isn’t known for facilitating user-to-user interaction. That’s

5 Ways to Drive More Leads Via Facebook Marketing

September 14, 2017
Facebook marketing helps businesses expand their reach, establish their brand identity, find loyal followers, and promote their content. But did you know you can use the social media platform to generate leads? If Facebook isn’t a cornerstone of your digital marketing strategy, then you need to reconsider your approach. Here’s why you should take advantage of Facebook Ads and what you can do to get the most mileage out of your account. Easy Pick or Epic Showdown? Facebook Ads Versus

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Growth Tactic #99 Stand Out in the Crowd to Get Your Business Seen

May 24, 2017
What’s your marketing shtick? You’ve got killer content, an incredible product or service, a rock star team with unmatched customer service skills…what more could you need? What more do people want from your brand for crying out loud!? They want you to be different, but also relatable. So, your job is to dazzle them with a shareable, viral campaign they’ve never seen before – yet can instantly connect with. Find out how you can manage the impossible with Stand Out

Growth Tactic #98 Support a Good Cause and Grow

May 23, 2017
Doing well by doing good—it’s not a new idea, but as long as there is a need for good causes and the organizations that address them, there will be a need for companies willing to pitch in. Smart business owners and marketers know the benefits and rewards for those ready to Support a Good Cause and Grow. Learn their secrets in Growth Tactic #98 from your 100-Day Digital Growth Plan—and do take note—there are only 2 more to go before

Growth Tactic #91 Social Proof from Celebrity Endorsements

May 12, 2017
Ever consider asking a celebrity or industry leader to endorse your company? The idea may not be so farfetched. Securing brand endorsements from celebrities can dramatically increase your company’s sales and profits by creating social proof and brand credibility. Find out how you can obtain Social Proof from Celebrity Endorsements in Growth Tactic #91, the next step in your 100-Day Digital Growth Plan. OVERVIEW--Social Proof from Celebrity Endorsements   Building brand awareness is a key part of growing your business.

Growth Tactic #86 Drive Conversions on Targeted Social Media

May 5, 2017
Although participating on social media platforms (like Facebook and Twitter) helps grow your business, no one ever said driving conversions would be free. In order to get a little, you need to give a little, and creating targeted social media ads is one way to do it. Ads may make a slight dent in your wallet, but in the end, they can pay off. Learn how you can Drive Conversions on Social Media in Growth Tactic #86, the next step