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10 Website Features Your Business Should Have

March 28, 2012
So you’re looking to revamp your business website or you’re just getting started on a new business venture. Here are 10 must-haves that you shouldn’t neglect. A Logical Roadmap Figuring out how you’d like your website to work is important to provide a pleasant user experience and for SEO purposes. It’s important for your website to make sense and be useful. By mapping out a website design, you’ll be able to test it out with people you know to see

Internet Marketing for Lawyers

March 27, 2012
The web is revolutionizing the way small companies operate, even for companies that are not web-based in their product or service. This is an important fact to remember. We talk with so many professionals who say that online marketing isn’t all that important for them because they don’t work on the web. But this assumption is a huge mistake. Even if you’re not in the technology industry, your clients are still using the web to find information about you. Simply

10 Marketing Trends
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What is Inbound Marketing?

February 3, 2012
What is Inbound Marketing? Today, you hear a lot about the idea of inbound marketing. To maximize your business in the Internet age, you must utilize inbound marketing, as outbound marketing is less relevant. But why is outbound marketing outdated and what is inbound marketing? Outbound marketing is an old-fashioned adverting practice that includes cold calls, television ads, radio ads, and spam and is the type of marketing you see on shows such as Mad Men. So what’s the problem

Is Your SEO White Hat?

February 2, 2012
Sometimes it's important to get back to the basics with your online marketing. So today we wanted to talk about the difference between White Hat SEO and Black Hat SEO. You probably know how important it is to get found on Google. So the first question you need to ask yourself is, "Is your SEO White Hat?" When you are looking to increase your website's ranking in search engines, you can use a more well-rounded approach or an approach that

SEO from the outset for the most organic results

July 10, 2010
Even after you’ve chosen an SEO company, there are certain things you can do to ensure your site is optimized to its fullest potential.  If you regularly add new content – whether it’s blog entries, product descriptions, images, or videos – it makes sense to optimize it from the outset.  This ensures the most organic optimization and gives your visitors the best experience. Keyword density is a common term that gets tossed around once SEO efforts start, and there’s no
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