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How Can My Website Rank Better? 9 Strategies for Success

September 25, 2018
Your Google ranking says a lot about the health of your business. So it’s always good to assess what you can do to help your website rank better in search engines. It’s possible to improve your Google ranking with a few small (or not so small) tweaks. And that’s because great SEO is the sum of all its parts. If you want to really wow Google (and your site visitors!) you usually need more than a single tactic. You need

How to Find the Perfect Influencers for Your Brand

May 10, 2018
  People are tired of traditional advertising. They skip through commercials and ignore banner ads. They’re skeptical of marketing claims. In the age social media, people want to hear from other people, preferably people they trust. They listen to friends, family, and coworkers. They read reviews and the watch influencers.  They also follow influencers – trendsetters, celebrities, YouTube stars, critics, bloggers, experts, analysts – major players who have gathered large and active followings on social media channels. Influencers hold sway

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7 SEO Fails to Never Make Again

April 2, 2018
Unless you’re an online marketing guru, you may not know all of the ins and outs of search engine optimization (SEO). With ever-changing algorithms, it’s hard to know if your SEO tactics are still sound. The problem is that incorrect SEO techniques can jeopardize your business’s online visibility. Yet, even as SEO continues to evolve, it still stands as one of the most widely-used marketing strategies. Since this marketing strategy is used by most online businesses, it’s important to get

Creating Houzz Projects for Maximum Exposure

March 20, 2018
Many people browse through Houzz to get inspiration for their next remodel, but Houzz marketing can also be a powerful weapon in a business’s arsenal. The platform allows interior designers, architects, builders, remodeling businesses, furniture makers and more to show off their stuff, whether that be a modernist chair, an impeccably designed living room, or even a historical mansion. So how can you expand your reach and get maximum exposure for your brand? To begin with, you need to master

Google Chrome to Webmasters: Secure Your Website

October 5, 2017
The latest Google Chrome HTTPS update is loud and clear: HTTP webpages are not secure and should be encrypted. During the past year, data hacking has been all over the news. The Equifax data breach may have compromised the sensitive personal information of some 143 million Americans who used the consumer credit reporting agency, according to the New York Times. Spurred in part by the hacking and release of politically-sensitive emails, Congress and the FBI are investigating Russia-linked meddling in

7 Holiday Marketing Ideas for a Prosperous 2017

October 2, 2017
‘Tis the season for huge profits and high stress. As the fourth quarter of 2017 begins, businesses are rushing to put their holiday marketing campaigns into overdrive. The good news is that retailers should see solid gains in 2017, with analysts expecting holiday sales to rise between 3.8 and 4.5 percent over last year. The bad news is that competition has grown stiff. That puts tremendous pressure on executives and entrepreneurs to up their game. Want to make sure the
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