9 Quick Ways to Convert Prospects into Referrals
9 Quick Ways to Convert Prospects into Referrals It's a new year--time to start fresh, prospecting for new referrals. Not your favorite activity, you say? If you view it as a necessary evil, like many business-owners and sales reps--you're not alone. When the pressure is on, you have a short amount of time to capture prospects' attention and connect with them on a level that leads to conversion. That's why we've come up with these 9 quick ways to convert
10 Best Ways to Acquire Customers and Spend Less
Given that a business pays as much as six to seven times more to acquire customers than to keep them, a strong acquisition strategy is crucial. It's likely you're now spending significant budget to land each customer relationship, so we want to share our 10 best ways to acquire more customers while spending less. Scroll down to the end for a special Bonus Tip... 1. The Strategic Alliance to Acquire Customers You can control your marketing spend by building your