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7 Steps to Improving User Experience

September 6, 2017
As a generation well versed in technology, our expectations for website usability are constantly rising. This means that web developers have to keep up with their competitors, or better yet, stay ahead of them by using innovative methods to make the user experience more fluid. Though the task may seem initially daunting, it can be made easier by simply understanding what users get out of your website's interface. From there, the process of modifying your website to meet the needs

How to Be Mobile-Friendly for Online Success

June 19, 2017
Google is making mobile-friendliness a priority, so it has to be a priority for businesses seeking online success—but why? Put simply, very few people wait until they are in front of a desktop computer to do a search. Today, there’s a mobile computer in almost every pocket, so why would they wait? They won't--they'll find the sites that are mobile-friendly. According to Google, users in 10 countries, including the U.S., do the bulk of their searches via mobile devices.  Companies

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Facebook to Small Businesses: Be Mobile-Friendly Now

September 17, 2015
Facebook has rolled out a series of test versions for changes to Brand Pages, as announced by COO Cheryl Sandberg on September 8. The changes appear to target small businesses (SMBs), judging by Sandberg’s presentation, in which she cited 45 million active SMB Pages currently found on Facebook worldwide. She stressed, among other things, the importance of SMBs and their use of Facebook Pages to provide women with new opportunities for entrepreneurial growth. (more…)