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5 Scary Good Social Media Tricks! (2019 Update)

October 23, 2019
The season is upon us again! Pumpkins are being carved, Thanksgiving feasts (and second helpings) will soon be eaten and—before you know it—gifts will be wrapped (and unwrapped). But let's not focus on falling snowflakes and festive music just yet… First, we are going to sink our teeth into some of our favorite ways to get creative with social media this Halloween—vampire-style. Let's revisit some of our favorites and then see if anything new bubbles to the surface of our cauldron of

Marketing Your Empire from Your Mobile Device

June 1, 2018
To say we live in a mobile world is an understatement. As a business owner, you're probably well versed in the importance of targeting mobile customers. Chances are, your website is crafted using responsive design to ensure that it's accessible to everyone, no matter their screen size. Maybe you've run a mobile campaign that targets customers using SMS messages. But have you ever thought about how you could use a mobile device to run your business more efficiently? If not,

10 Marketing Trends
To Future Proof Your 2022!

Download our latest ebook today!



How to Find the Perfect Influencers for Your Brand

May 10, 2018
  People are tired of traditional advertising. They skip through commercials and ignore banner ads. They’re skeptical of marketing claims. In the age social media, people want to hear from other people, preferably people they trust. They listen to friends, family, and coworkers. They read reviews and the watch influencers.  They also follow influencers – trendsetters, celebrities, YouTube stars, critics, bloggers, experts, analysts – major players who have gathered large and active followings on social media channels. Influencers hold sway

Vlogs, Podcasts, Social Stories (Digital Marketing Gets Personal)

February 22, 2018
There are three tried-and-true forms of communication: the written word, video, and audio. Today, we’re diving deep into what feeds the eyes and ears to make your content powerful and unforgettable. You hear it every day: You should create video. But…video of what? And where?! You have no doubt heard of podcasting, but how and why should you start your own? The simple answer is that both types of content are more accessible to produce than ever before. Nobody needs

3 Places to Find Your Target Audience

January 23, 2018
Locking down your target market is only half the battle. The next step is uncovering how your audience acts and where to target that audience online. You may have produced some of the best digital content on the web, but it’s all a waste if that content isn’t placed where your target audience spends their time. This stands true for all forms of marketing; the exposure is what really delivers the results you’re seeking. So if you don’t have time

National Positions’ Top 10 of 2017!

December 26, 2017
With all that has happened in the world of digital marketing over the past year, knowing how to approach 2018 can be a strategy in and of itself! Every year, we work to bring new and dynamic content straight to your door - to help pull back the curtain and show you what’s happening, changing, or approaching the world of digital marketing. After all - the more you know, the more you can adapt. But before we dive headfirst into
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