Growth Tactic #82 Join a Targeted Forum for Ideas and Growth

May 1, 2017
Access to online engagement with like-minded business owners comes in many shapes and sizes. While sites like Facebook and Twitter can be great tools to connect, participating in a targeted forum has endless possibilities. An internet forum functions as a message board, allowing individuals to discuss specific topics and gain feedback. So, if you’re looking to expand your online presence and chat with others in your field, Join a Targeted Forum for Ideas and Growth—it’s Growth Tactic #82 in our 100-Day

Growth Tactic #79 Find a Social Partner for Shared Growth

April 26, 2017
Growing your business is not a solo job—good thing that sharing your growth with a social partner is a great way to expand online reach and bring more people to your website. Let’s start with the basics: who is a social partner? Any business owner who has a message or customer base that’s similar to yours can qualify. Even if you’re not a social butterfly, stepping out of your comfort zone and making friends in the business world could be

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Growth Tactic #77 Increase Brand Credibility by Sharing Your Secrets

April 24, 2017
When it comes to growing your business, it’s important that your clients trust you and the work you do. So, what does this mean for business owners? It means that working to build brand credibility translates to success--but building credibility isn’t a one-time thing. Luckily, there are numerous steps you can take to increase credibility over time. Even if you’ve already written blog posts, launched an email series, or gained positive media coverage for your brand, there is one step

Growth Tactic #70: Use Optin Worthy Content to Grow Conversions

April 13, 2017
Is your content optin worthy? Why does it matter, you ask, answering a question with a question? Because you can use optin-worthy content to grow conversions. You could be sending oodles of traffic to your website and failing to see a sales increase. Avoid this sad scenario by making the most of Growth Tactic #70 in your 100-Day Digital Growth Plan, Use Optin Worthy Content to Grow Conversions.  OVERVIEW--Use Optin Worthy Content to Grow Conversions If email marketing is an

Growth Tactic #69: Use Your Blog to Target Niche Groups

April 12, 2017
You’re not a generic business owner are you? So why would you want to be the owner of a cookie cutter blog? It’s no secret that trying to get your blog to stand out amongst competitors’ is challenging - but there are tools and tactics for that (like the one you’re reading now, you lucky duck!). In this most recent post, Growth Tactic #69 in your 100-Day Digital Growth Plan, you’ll learn how to Use Your Blog to Target Niche

Growth Tactic #66: Gain Loyalty with a Personal Touch–Say Thanks

April 7, 2017
You know that little bubble of excitement you feel when you discover non-bill-related correspondence in the mailbox? It’s time to pay it forward. Show your customers that you’re willing to go the extra mile, by sending a little something across the miles. Lucky for you, Growth Tactic #66, Gain Loyalty with a Personal Touch–Say Thanks, breaks down the old school “thank-you marketing” method for you. The newest installment of your 100-Day Digital Growth Plan awaits! OVERVIEW: Gain Loyalty with a Personal Touch--Say