Now is the time to enter the mobile market.
Right now, there are about 90 million mobile users in the U.S. In 2012, 25% of all web activity will be done on a mobile device. By 2016, mobile web usage will surpass traditional web usage. And 90% of all mobile searches result in an action!
To maximize your business, you must be a part of this revolutionary new market.
National Positions offers you a turn-key solution: an innovative new Mobile SEO program designed specifically to get you found by mobile users.
Our National Mobile Marketing program includes a FREE Mobile Website Optimizer! Now you can create your own mobile site in 3 easy steps.
We’re the only company in the world to offer this cutting-edge program at no cost.
To learn more about how to get started, watch our free webinar: How to Harness the Mobile Market to Grow Your Online Business!
• Faster load times
• Better security
• Personal calls-to-action
• Better conversion rates
• Mobile users will be automatically redirected to your mobile site