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Maximizing Your Website’s Potential with Google Analytics 4: The Top 5 Updates

As a leading marketing agency, National Positions understands the importance of data-driven campaigns. It’s the very essence of our work, guiding every move we make. 

For almost two decades, Google Analytics has been a crucial tool for measuring success, allowing us to tell tangible stories and build unbreakable bonds with our clients. 

But what happens when the game changes?

With Google sunsetting Universal Analytics on July 1st, and launching Google Analytics 4, it’s time to adapt and recalibrate our approach to data. Even our most trusted KPIs are about to undergo a significant shake-up. 


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But at National Positions, we see this as an opportunity to take on new challenges, explore new territory, and create even more powerful campaigns.

Our team is ready to show you the five key updates you need to know as you say goodbye to Universal Analytics and embrace GA4. 

From engagement rates to customizable events, we’ve got the inside scoop on how to make the most of this powerful new tool. It’s time to leave behind the old ways of doing things and embrace the exciting changes that are ahead. 

We’re ready to guide you every step of the way. Let’s conquer the world of data-driven marketing together!


1. Bounce Rates Are Dead – Long Live Engagement Rates!

The age-old metric of bounce rate is on its way out, as Google Analytics 4 introduces a new way of looking at user behavior. 

Previously, bounce rate indicated how many visitors left your website without clicking through to another page, with a low rate being favorable and a high one seen as negative.

But the bounce rate on its own was never able to provide the context needed to understand why users were leaving.


Now, with the advent of engagement rates, website owners can gain a deeper understanding of user behavior. Rather than simply telling you who is leaving your site, engagement rates show you who is sticking around and how they’re interacting with your content. 

You’ll be able to see what percentage of visitors are truly engaged, how long they’re spending on your site, and where their engagement is taking place. 

This shift is a game-changer for website owners who want to better understand what’s driving user engagement, both for new and returning visitors.


2. Learn to Love “Events”

Are you ready for a revolution in website analytics? Google Analytics 4 is bringing a whole new way of tracking website actions—and it’s called “events.” This cutting-edge feature is revolutionary for website owners, providing a level of granular detail that was never before possible.

So, what exactly is an event? 



Well, it’s whatever you want it to be. With this new feature, you’ll be able to pinpoint, track, and understand user actions with unprecedented accuracy.

Whether it’s video views, link clicks, or scroll depth, events will give you the data you need to make informed decisions and improve user engagement.

But that’s not all.

With events, you can create custom events for specific geographies, genders, devices, and more, providing a level of detail that was previously impossible.



And the best part? These events are automated, which means you can save time and focus on what really matters—using the data to drive your business forward.

So, get ready to learn to love events.

They’re about to change the game in website analytics, and with Google Analytics 4, you’ll have the power to unlock a level of insight that was previously unimaginable.


3. The “Cookie” Has Crumbled

For almost two years, the writing has been on the wall: third-party data tracking was on its way out. Now, with the release of Google Analytics 4, the time has finally come.

From now on, first-party data will be the only way forward for website owners looking to gain insights into their user base.

But what does this mean for you?

Well, third-party data cookies are gone, but don’t worry—there’s a first-party cookie in use within GA4 that will help distinguish unique users and their sessions on your website.

This cookie, named _ga, will ensure that the only data flowing into your analytics is the first-party data about your website visitors.

Supplemental third-party data from beyond Google’s walls will be a thing of the past. It’s a significant shift that means you’ll need to get your settings in check to ensure that you’re tracking effectively.



But the good news is that by focusing on first-party data, you’ll have a level of control and insight that was previously impossible.

So, get ready to embrace the new era of data-driven marketing, powered by first-party data and Google Analytics 4.


4. Customization Takes Center Stage

With Google Analytics 4, almost everything is customizable, giving every user the ability to use the platform in whatever way works best for them.



This is great news for those who want to focus on specific data points and insights, but it might be a bit overwhelming for those who are used to a more “stock set” of data points that haven’t changed in a long time.

However, the benefits of customization are enormous.

In the reporting overview, you’ll find a variety of “cards” that give you snapshots of everything from user acquisition channels to product purchases. 

It’s exciting, but it can also be a bit overwhelming. 

The good news is that you can customize the layout and information shown in these cards, giving you the power to decide what you want to see and how you want to see it.

So, get ready to take control of your data and make it work for you. With Google Analytics 4, the possibilities are endless.


5. Your Past Data Is Not Coming With You?!

If you’re one of the many website owners or digital marketers who have been relying on Google Universal Analytics to track website success, the news that your existing data won’t be carried over into Google Analytics 4 might be frustrating. 

It’s like losing an old friend, right?

But hey, there is some good news. Google Analytics 4 is a major upgrade from Universal Analytics, and it offers a host of new insights and capabilities that were never possible before.



It’s like getting a brand-new set of tools to play with—who doesn’t love that?

Sure, it may take some time to adjust to the new platform and figure out how to make the most of the new features, but that’s all part of the fun, isn’t it? Think of it as a new adventure in the world of data-driven marketing.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed, don’t worry—you’re not alone.

Many website owners and digital marketers are in the same boat. But with the right support and expertise, you can make the transition to Google Analytics 4 smoothly and confidently.


Google Changes = We Adapt

This is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the changes you’ll experience with Google Analytics 4.

Think of it as getting behind the wheel of a brand-new carthere are all sorts of new controls, settings, and features to explore, and it may take a little time to get used to them all.

From new buttons and blinking lights to automated sensors, the changes in GA4 may catch you off guard at first. But as with any new technology, after a few months, everything will start to feel like second nature.

At National Positions, we’ve not only updated all of our clients to GA4, but we’re also providing them with general overviews to help them get comfortable with the new platform. 

Of course, any major change comes with growing pains, but we’re here to guide our clients through the transition and help them get the most out of the new features and capabilities.

In the case of GA4, we believe that it’s an inevitable step forward. 

After all the news stories about cookies crumbling and user privacy concerns, this update is long overdue. So, let’s raise a glass to another exciting change in the world of digital marketing. Here’s to what the future holds in 2023 and beyond!

Contact our team today to get your analytics and marketing on track for 2023!

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