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Is your shopping cart hurting your conversion rate?

If you are noticing that a lot of people that visit your website are not funneling through and purchasing something, the problem may be more simple than you think. If the shopping cart you use on your site to facilitate the buying process is not set up well or too confusing to understand, visitors are likely to abandon your site and look elsewhere for the products they want. Here are some common issues with online shopping carts that can detract from the user experience and hurt your conversion rate:

In the end, your customer has initiated the sale, so why wouldn’t you want to make it as easy as possible for that to happen? Make sure you clear up any errors and try using the shopping cart yourself. If it is too hard for you to get through, your customer will feel the same way. The only difference is that they will likely tell people. Fix the problems and start seeing your conversion rate rise again.

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