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How to Use #Hashtags and Other Top Twitter Marketing Tips

In concept, Twitter seems fairly simple. I mean, how much can you really do with 140 characters?


While Twitter may be simple in theory, when it comes to Twitter marketing, and even Twitter etiquette, things are more complex then they often seem at the start.

Here are a few tips to help you enhance your social media marketing and just all-around improve your social shares, so that your followers and friends will get tweets and posts they’ll look forward to and your business can get the most out of your social engagement.

1. Use Hashtags…Appropriately

In a recent Late Night with Jimmy Fallon sketch, we all got a little dose of #excessivehashtagging. Jimmy Fallon teamed up with Justin Timberlake to show the world what a Twitter conversation would look like in real life. And let’s just say, it’s not pretty.

When #hashtags first started, they were essentially designed to draw attention to important terms, common phrases, trending topics, keywords or industry relevent concepts in a tweet or post. Not only that, but when clicked, they would take users to a page with other tweets that involved the same hashtag. And now, the hashtag has expanded beyond Twitter, to Facebook and Vine Posts, Instagram and more.

But when should you use hashtags and when is enough enough? A good rule of thumb: stick to one or two key has tags, one’s that involve terms that relay the central focus of the post or have purpose behind them.

In other words, do this:

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Not this:

2. Remember, Keywords Aren’t Just for SEO

The keywords that you target to drive qualified traffic to your site through SEO aren’t just good for optimizing your organic search rankings, they can be beneficial for your social media marketing strategies too.

Social media experts can help you design tweets and campaigns that are built around the keywords that matter most to your current or potential followers as well as prospective customers. With the help of keyword tools, social media marketers can keep track of which terms are the cause of which visits to your pages and posts, meaning you can track which long-tail keywords are the most motivating for your audience and build more powerful campaigns accordingly.

3. Take Advantage of Customer Comments and Retweets

Online reviews are king, they affect your businesses reputation and can make or break a relationship with a potential client or customer. But customer feedback doesn’t have to come from Yelp or other online review sites alone. Take tweets, retweets, positive replies on Twitter and add them to your website, share them as testimonials, and leverage them on your landing pages. What your followers have to say can have a great deal more impact than what you have to say, if you’re utilizing these tweets to their fullest potential. If a customer tweets about your business, your products or your services–use those tweets to help foster trust and gain new business.

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