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How to Market on Pinterest like a Pro

Pinterest is one of today’s fastest growing social media sites and offers the perfect platform to market your business in an entirely new way.

While it may have seemed incredibly niche at the start, Pinterest has become a shining example of the power of viral marketing, not to mention one of the most popular sites in the world.

People are very visual creatures. We’d rather look at a few images than skim through lengthy pieces of text. Images have the ability to catch, and keep, customer attention–making pictures a powerful resource, and Pinterest an even more powerful marketing tool.

When utilized correctly, social media marketing on Pinterest can give your products and services valuable exposure, drive traffic, and boost sales. If you’re looking to become a Pinterest pro, we’ve got a few tips up our sleeves that can help you get started on Pinterest and stay successful with your Pinterest marketing campaign.

1. Create a Pinterest Business Account

Claiming your account is always the first step, whether it’s a Google Plus account, a Facebook page, a Yelp listing, or more.

And now, Pinterest finally offers businesses the option of creating business accounts, rather than the personal accounts that were the only option before November of 2012.

2. Optimize your Profile Information

Choosing your username name with care may seem a little–let’s face it–obvious, but it’s essential. Keep it straightforward, and descriptive. Ideally, you’d just use your company name. If it’s too long to fit the 15 character limit, or it’s taken already, try to keep it as easy to understand and remember as possible. National Positions’ Pinterest username for example, is NatlPositions .
The About section is the next priority when it comes to optimizing your profile, and while it may only be 200 characters–that’s certainly enough space to include some descriptive, engaging, keyword conscious content.

3. Get Creative with your Pins and your Boards

Add Pins that are relevant to your industry, and interesting for your audience. Keep your customers’ in mind when you make your pins–think about their buying habits, age-range, location, preferences and more–and target your pins accordingly. Don’t forget to label your uploaded pins with relevant, clear file names as well.

Differentiating your pin boards is a great way to keep things organized and optimized for success. Hubspot offers some great pinboard ideas that are effective, and creative. Separating your pinboards by theme is key to getting your products found and seen on Pinterest. Name your pinboards with keyword-optimized and category specific board names so your customers can find what they’re looking for easily and enjoyably.

4. Be Smart with your Pin Descriptions and Include Backlinks

This may seem like a step that’s skippable, but it’s not. Descriptions should make anything left unclear in the image completely clear, should add value in the form of descriptive details, and should ideally include a back link to ensure customers aren’t just seeing your pins, products, and services, they’re given the tools they need to get to your site and take action. Use language your customers can understand and relate to, try incorporating hashtags, and don’t be afraid to utilize this space as prime SEO real estate.

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