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Growth Tactic #97 Timing is Everything–Schedule Emails

Let’s face it: people get busy, so responding to your email might not be their top priority. Luckily, today’s growth tip will help you avoid the pain of having an empty inbox. When you schedule emails with care, you’ll reach the right people at the right time. Learn how, in Timing is Everything–Schedule Emails. It’s Growth Tactic #97, up next in your 100-Day Digital Growth Plan.

OVERVIEW: Timing is Everything–Schedule Emails  Calendar Planner on laptop screener, woman looking at screen, view over her shoulder

In the world of business, timing can make or break you. Whether you’re sending emails to promote your new brand, contact a reporter, follow up with an important prospect, or send an event reminder, timing can have a huge impact on your response rates. When you read an email, what are the chances that you will reply immediately despite your busy schedule? Probably pretty low. The same thing may be happening to you when you reach out to a colleague, customer, or mentor. We’re not suggesting that you wait around for other people’s schedules to clear up so that your emails get delivered in a timely manner. Instead, schedule your emails to be delivered at specific times. This way, your email can reach your recipient when he or she is less busy and more likely to take notice or respond. When it comes to growth, timing is everything, and when it comes to emailing, scheduling is your key to success.


STEP ONE: Install an email scheduling tool so that you can choose when you want your emails delivered. Check out the resources below and find out how easy it is to start planning your email agenda. It’s probably a good idea to send out a couple of test emails to a friend, so that you’re sure everything is in working order, or use the tool’s built-in preview function.

STEP TWO: Research the best times to deliver your emails. This will vary depending on your industry, who you are trying to reach, where the person you are trying to reach lives, and your purpose for contacting. For instance, you may have time to compose an email over the weekend, but if your recipient can’t respond until Monday, then you can schedule it to be delivered Monday morning. Or, if your prospect lives in a different time zone, you wouldn’t want them to receive an important email in the middle of the night. Visit our Resources and Tools section to discover more reasons why scheduling your emails keeps you ahead of the competition.

STEP THREE: Start lining up and sending out your emails. If you’ve followed the steps above, you will most likely receive more responses and more engagement from your recipients. Contacting your prospects at appropriate times is both courteous and respectable—your recipients will be appreciative.


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