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Growth Tactic #75 Say It Out Loud–Blog Commenting for Social Engagement

Level of social engagement and interaction are key indicators that something is working…or not. When it comes to blog posts, the more comments people see, the more alluring posts become. Why? Because (for good or bad) they’ve been dubbed “popular.” And we really like popular. So, for selfish reasons (getting your own name out there), try performing the seemingly selfless act of  blog commenting on others’ posts. Intrigued? Learn more in Growth Tactic #75: Say It Out Loud–Blog Commenting for Social Engagement.

Before we get to the goods – we just want to take a moment to say congratulations. This post marks a milestone. You are officially three-quarters of the way through your 100-Day Digital Growth Plan journey! Seventy-five down, twenty-five to go. Let’s grow!  Blank speech bubbles to fill in plus top of microphone

Say It Out Loud – Blog Commenting for Social Engagement

Stop. Drop. And roll out the comments. What’s one quick-and-easy strategy for getting others to leave a few words in the comment box on YOUR blog posts? Comment on THEIR blog posts first. Regularly share your reactions, opinions, compliments, feedback, and suggestions. There’s no better way to connect with other businesses while simultaneously plugging your own brand, directing traffic to your site, and enticing those same blogs to comment on your posts in return.  If you scratch their back…

So, what’s the best method?

How To Start Social Engagement

STEP ONE: Make a list of your favorite blogs, both inside and outside of your industry. Add even more to your list by using one of the tools below.

STEP TWO: Set goals. Start by commenting on one blog post per week. Then, increase to two or three. If you’re personally strapped for time, ask one of your employees to complete the research portion, so all you have to do is quickly comment. Have that same employee keep an eye out for a response from the author, so that you can reengage if appropriate.

STEP THREE: Don’t stop there. Promote the blogs (the ones you comment on) on social media and make sure to tag the author or brand. First, they’ll see you’re not only complimenting their content, but also sharing it, so hopefully they’ll start reciprocating. Second, your followers might re-share the post, giving their followers (i.e., more prospects) a chance to see your comment.


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