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Growth Tactic #33: Integrate Social to Grow Site Conversions

As a business owner or manager, you must know by now that very little happens online without some degree of social media presence. Ensure that your website is doing everything possible to help grow conversions and build your business. Take steps that Integrate Social to Grow Site Conversions, as explained in Growth Tactic #33 of your 100-Day Digital Growth Plan. Here’s more about just how to get it done.   

Overview – Integrate Social to Grow Site Conversions

It’s a social world, and people want a way to participate with the businesses and websites they frequent. Even more significantly, the way they use the internet has changed to adapt a variety of social media platforms for all their online communication and buying activity. Make sure you’re there when your potential customers need you—and “being there” could mean having a presence on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Snapchat and many other new and emerging social sites. Here are some concrete steps you can take now to successfully integrate social media in key locations around your website.


STEP ONE: Take time to review each main page of your website. Find locations that are ideal for social integration. Every blog post and every product page should have buttons for social sharing. It’s especially important that visitors have the ability to use their own Facebook accounts to comment and log into your site.

STEP TWO: Select a tool that will help you evaluate and update your site to be thoroughly integrated for social. See our suggestions under Resources and Tools below.

STEP THREE: Spread the word! Let your followers, customers, and visitors know about your site’s added opportunities to use social integration. Invite them to use their Facebook accounts to leave comments and questions. Don’t be shy—ask your blog users to share their favorite reads with their own followers. And, remember to track your analytics to monitor where there are changes in traffic and engagement after you add more social integration.

Resources and Tools

We’re committed to providing a deep source of information and education for our community. Find more resources in our Learn page and visit us here again for the next 100-Day Digital Growth Plan Tactic! Then, contact us for more ideas on digital growth and your website.


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