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Growth Tactic #32: Exclusive Q & A Post

Are you looking to boost blog engagement by adding a new type of post to your rotation? Check out Growth Tactic #32 to learn how you can turn a little interview into a big piece of video content for your site. Find out more in today’s newest tactic for your 100-Day Digital Growth Plan: Exclusive Q & A Post. We’re offering our best tips and insights to keep you learning and growing well into 2017!

Overview – Exclusive Q & A Post

Welcome back! In Growth Tactic #10 we reviewed how to create an influencer blog post. In Growth Tactic #20 we discussed successful guest blogging & relationship-building on other sites. Today, we’re adding a third type of post to the mix – one that will help you boost your blog engagement using two key elements: the expertise of others and one of today’s hottest marketing trends: video.

When it comes to the Exclusive Q & A Post, your ultimate goal should be to score an interview with one extremely influential industry leader–perhaps your own CEO. Unlike Growth Tactic #10, you’re not collecting data and quotes from a number of influencers to enhance a written collaborative piece. Instead, you’re shining the spotlight (and the camera) on a single trailblazer and his/her knowledge. It’s time to break out your inner journalist – you’re about to leak the trade secrets your fans have been waiting for…


STEP ONE: Conduct some research, make a list and check it twice.  Do you already have some experts in mind? Have you witnessed someone’s brilliance in a previous interview in the past? Need to expand your list or start from scratch? See our Resources and Tools section below for research/outreach platform examples. When you’re compiling your list, make sure to take notes next to each name – why’d you pick that person? (This will help when you get to Step Three.)

STEP TWO: Find out how to get in touch. Contacting those on your list can be as easy as 1-2-3 if their email addresses are listed directly on their sites. If they’re not, search their social platforms for contact information or import their URLs into GroupHigh. If all else fails, send a friendly message via Facebook or Twitter.

STEP THREE: Refer back to the list you put together in Step One. When you create your emails, make sure to personalize each one of them by addressing contacts by name, referring to the specific reason you’re reaching out, complimenting their work, etc. Suggest a topic for the interview or let them know you’re open to exploring ideas together. If you hit the jackpot (a.k.a. they show interest), it’s time to set the date for an in-person or video interview. Once you have your replies, edit your video and showcase it on your blog. If the interviewee isn’t comfortable being on-camera on your site, you can always turn his/her answers into a written post. 

Resources and Tools

We’re committed to providing a deep source of information and education for our community. Find more resources in our Learn page and visit us here again for the next 100-Day Digital Growth Plan Tactic! Then, contact us for more ideas on digital growth and your website.

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