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100 Day Digital Growth Plan for blog content

Growth Tactic #27: Turn FAQs into a Blog Series

Are your customers and prospects contacting you regularly with the same old questions? Learn how to provide them with the answers they crave, while simultaneously creating fresh, new content for your blog. Growth Tactic #27: Turn FAQs into a Blog Series is today’s tactic for your 100-Day Digital Growth Plan. We’re offering our best tips and insights to keep you learning and growing well into 2017! 

Overview – Turn FAQs into a Blog Series

They’ve got questions and you’ve got answers, which means now is your time to shine. Be the hero! By implementing an FAQ blog series, you can single-handedly save your customers and prospects from their overwhelming curiosity. (After all, everyone knows what happened to that cat…) Plus, doing so will supply you with a few days, weeks, or even months of simple-to-create blog content. Now, if you already have an FAQ page on your site, make sure the copy is enticing and the page is optimized. Click here for a few pointers.  Then, rework and repurpose that content for your FAQ blog series. Do not just copy and paste; your content needs to be original for the sake of both your readers and search engines. If you’re starting from scratch, be prepared for a few extra (easy) steps. Ready? Put on your cape and let’s fly through this tactic so that you can show off your newfound powers.


STEP ONE: It’s time to put that thinking cap to good use. What questions do you get asked the most about your brand and your product or service? When you’re compiling them, put “like” questions in the same group. Aim for a good, even number that will allow you to divide and conquer over several posts. Don’t have enough questions? Do a little outreach. Contact current customers via the phone, email, or social media. Consider offering them a small gift or discount in exchange for their time.

STEP TWO: Decide on the total number of questions, weed out duplicates and segment those you’re keeping into groups. Let’s say you have 60 questions – you could break them up into groups of 10 for a total of 6 new blog posts. Next up? Start writing! Here’s one example to get your juices flowing.

STEP THREE: Make the first post in the series live on your site. Decide how often you want to publish consecutive posts. Every other day? Once a week? Once a month? Every time you publish a new one, make sure to promote it. If you don’t have an FAQ page live on your site already, consider linking to the posts in your FAQ series from your About page, Contact Us page, or any other page a visitor might click over to when searching for more information.

Resources and Tools

We’re committed to providing a deep source of information and education for our community. Find more resources in our Learn page and visit us here again for the next 100-Day Digital Growth Plan Tactic! Then, contact us for more ideas on digital growth and your website.

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