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Growth Tactic #24: Unboxing Your Brand: The Video

Are you looking for a new way to get prospects excited about your products? You’ve come to the right place. Today’s Growth Tactic #24, Unboxing Your Brand: The Video, unveils everything you need to know about creating a brand or consumer unboxing video. When it comes to your 100-Day Digital Growth Plan, we’re offering our best tips and insights to keep you learning and growing well into 2017!

Overview – Unboxing Your Brand: The Video

Few moments in life are filled with as much anticipation and excitement as the moment right before you open a gift. But the big question is always the same…are you going to like what’s inside? With an unboxing video, you can assure your new customers that the real thing is even better than the pictures. You have the power to give them a glimpse into their futures so they start thinking, “If we buy this – we will feel like THAT!”

But first, you have to decide which kind of unboxing video you want to make. You can have your team create a brand unboxing video at the office or you can contact an industry influencer and work with him/her on creating a consumer unboxing video. If you choose to film the video with your team, remember—you aren’t just marketing the product. You’re selling the experience that your new customers will enjoy when it’s their turn to unbox your brand. If your product needs a little demonstration or assembly, go ahead, but keep your eye on the prize: make ‘em feel something!

NOTE: Do you offer a service instead of a product? Don’t rule this tactic out! Try a “metaphorical” unboxing of your brand by sharing a walkthrough video of your business, showing your employees and customers in action on film, or by inviting an influencer to come test your service on camera.


STEP ONE: Familiarize yourself with other brand and consumer unboxing videos. Decide which route you want to take. Do you want to produce the video in-house with your team or do you want to begin finding influencers to contact? 

STEP TWO: If you are creating the video yourself, start brainstorming the details (script, location, which products you’d like to show, how you will reveal your product, etc.). If you’d rather an influencer create one for you, use GroupHigh to generate a list of individuals to reach out to. Or, look into hiring someone on Fiverr who specializes in unique content creation and viral videos.

STEP THREE: Now, it’s time to begin filming or sending out your pitch emails. If you need a little refresher on the PR end of things, visit Growth Tactic #16 PR Strategy– Target then Pitch. Once your video is live, you can share it on your homepage, your YouTube channel and your social media platforms. If you had an influencer create the video, check to make sure all necessary FTC guidelines are followed and confirm that you have approval to re-post the content on your site.

Resources and Tools

We’re committed to providing a deep source of information and education for our community. Find more resources in our Learn page and visit us here again for the next 100-Day Digital Growth Plan Tactic! Then, contact us for more ideas on digital growth and your website.

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