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100 DAY BANNER for competitive research

Growth Tactic #21: Shortcuts to Competitive Research

Research doesn’t have to be daunting. With the right tools you can easily find out what your competitors are doing and how well they’re doing it. Find out more in Shortcuts to Competitive Research, our Growth Tactic #21 in your 100-Day Digital Growth Plan. We’re offering our best tips and insights to keep you learning and growing well into 2017!

Overview – Shortcuts to Competitive Research

Keep your friends close…and your competition closer. The internet is an endless black hole of information and data about everyone and everything – including your competitors’ businesses and your own. Think about it…what do you really know about the opposition? Learning where to find the right facts and figures is half the battle. Your time is valuable – and so is the research, which is why this tactic is so important. With the resources below, you’ll be able to perform competitive research quickly and efficiently. Then you can use the results to improve upon others’ ideas, step up your marketing game, convert more leads, reverse engineer rival techniques, and surpass the competition in the SERPs.


Step One: Start with a little light reading to familiarize yourself with the art of digital competitive research. If you’re not sure where to begin, click here.

Step Two: Compile a full, detailed list of your current competitors. Include columns for company name, URL, product/service, strengths, weaknesses, and the “it” factor that makes them stand out.

Step Three:  Determine which tools from our Resources and Tools section below are a good fit for you and your company. By taking advantage of the sites above and below, you’ll be able to find information about your competitors’ organic and paid search, links, keywords and more (SEMrush and Spyfu) as well as data about your own site (Quick Sprout). Then, use these results to test new changes. You can also use some of the other resources below (SEOProfiler and LinkResearchTools) to increase your own rankings and strengthen your backlink profile.

Resources and Tools

We’re committed to providing a deep source of information and education for our community. Find more resources in our Learn page and visit us here again for the next 100-Day Digital Growth Plan Tactic! Then, contact us for more ideas on digital growth and your website.

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