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How to Extend Your Facebook Reach

Facebook comes in at number three among social media sites that correlate to a high Google search ranking.

Clearly, it’s safe to say that raising your Facebook game should raise your Google rankings.

However, Facebook has been gradually changing the rules of their game, which gives rise to important questions, like: what are the newest rules, and how can you use them to retain visibility and increase your reach through 2016? How many of Facebook’s 1.4 billion members are you reaching now?

The New Rules for Facebook News Feed

First, here’s a heads-up on what has changed, and why you’ve noticed that things are not quite the same in the FB universe.

5 Great Tips for Extending your Facebook Reach

Given these new rules of the game, you need to be prepared to buy more ads, learn new ways to make the most of them, and avoid any downside effects. Here are our 5 favorite hot tips for growing your reach in the new FB environment.

About Ads on Facebook

Bonus Tips: Useful Facebook Plugins

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