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7 Best Viral Campaigns of 2017

January 8, 2018
Viral. What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you think of that word? It doesn’t paint a pretty picture in your head, does it? But when it comes digital marketing campaigns, “viral” actually means something incredible. It means you did it. You won the Internet. So what does it really take to make a digital marketing campaign go viral? To create a campaign that everyone’s heard of – that everyone’s talking about? It demands a seamless strategy, impeccable

Leverage the Power of Video with YouTube Director for Small Business

September 12, 2017
You want to expand your customer base. You know videos are the fastest growing ad format. You know they can help your small business reach a young and growing audience, but you don’t have the budget. Or do you? If YouTube has anything to do with it, you won’t need to spend a fortune (or an eternity) to leverage the power of video ads. That’s because the tech giant recently unveiled a new suite of products called YouTube Director. The

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9 Quick Video Marketing Tips: Skyrocket Your Company’s Conversions and Sales

August 28, 2017
Video marketing has finally transitioned from a “maybe” to a “must.” With more than 1 billion people using YouTube – one-third of all Internet users –the importance of video marketing cannot be denied. If your business isn’t in front of the camera...there’s a good chance you’re falling behind. It’s easy to see why. In our fast-paced world, we have evolved to process images faster than text. So, when you combine written and visual content, there’s a significant increase in understanding,

Your 100-Day Digital Growth Plan Complete!

May 26, 2017
What's the one thing every digital marketer knows? You’re never done growing. There’s always something new to learn…that is, if you want to stay ahead of the competition and elevate your business to new heights. Now that we've completed our 100-Day Plan, we're afraid you'll miss your daily dose of digital growth! That's why we're happy to present the first in our 5-eBook Series, collecting the 100-Day blogs into topic groupings. (Get your FREE download of the first one here.)

Growth Tactic #99 Stand Out in the Crowd to Get Your Business Seen

May 24, 2017
What’s your marketing shtick? You’ve got killer content, an incredible product or service, a rock star team with unmatched customer service skills…what more could you need? What more do people want from your brand for crying out loud!? They want you to be different, but also relatable. So, your job is to dazzle them with a shareable, viral campaign they’ve never seen before – yet can instantly connect with. Find out how you can manage the impossible with Stand Out

Growth Tactic #77 Increase Brand Credibility by Sharing Your Secrets

April 24, 2017
When it comes to growing your business, it’s important that your clients trust you and the work you do. So, what does this mean for business owners? It means that working to build brand credibility translates to success--but building credibility isn’t a one-time thing. Luckily, there are numerous steps you can take to increase credibility over time. Even if you’ve already written blog posts, launched an email series, or gained positive media coverage for your brand, there is one step