How to Think About Link Building in a Post Penguin SEO World

July 18, 2012
Last week we explained why linking is still (and always will be) crucial to your SEO campaign. Ever since Google's Penguin Update hit, marketers have been worrying that link building isn't going to work anymore. Now that Google is penalizing sites with a bad link profile, SEOs have gone running for the hills, scared that links are no longer key to getting rankings and traffic. As we noted, links remain SEO fuel for your website. While linking remains important, you

SEO vs. Conversion: How to Balance Rankings Versus User Experience

July 17, 2012
Andrew Chen has a great Quora-comment-turned-blog post. Andrew breaks discusses the eternal struggle for every marketer: how to balance user satisfaction versus virality. This is something every marketer faces, as she must decide whether to create a campaign that focuses on value exchange or one that focuses on growth. Both arguments have their merits. An experience geared toward value exchange tends to be a much better one; thus, your customers will be much happier, ensuring a high retention rate and

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How Your SEO Impacts Your Online Reputation

July 5, 2012
Giuseppe Pastore has a great post on SEOMoz about how Twitter's bad SEO negatively impacts his brand. We highly recommend you check out the post. It's a great read, not only for the SEO knowledge that's dropped but also because it gives you a great peak into the mind of a rock star online marketer. For online branding, it doesn't matter how much great content you produce or how valuable your products/service are in "real life"; it only matters what

How to do Keyword Research for a Profitable Internet Marketing Campaign

June 27, 2012
So you’ve decided to kick of (or completely rebuild) your online marketing efforts. Awesome, the first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem. And if you’re not generating business from the web, you definitely have a problem. Keyword research is crucial to every successful online marketing campaign. That’s because keywords are the backbone of your Search Engine Optimization. You need to drive traffic to your site from the organic search results. And the only way to do that

Google Knowledge Graph

May 18, 2012
Google Search is about to get a little more sensitive to your needs. Wednesday, Google announced the launch of Knowledge Graph, which is an attempt to make search more human. Based on new technology Google has developed and acquired, Knowledge Graph will make the search engine algorithms act "more human" by providing instant answers to search questions. Knowledge Graph will first be available to US-based users, and soon rolled out globally. Google’s Knowledge Graph follows similar efforts by Bing’s “Snapshot”

How to Make the Most of the Penguin Update

May 7, 2012
Over the years, Google has had several updates to improve its search results by reducing spam. In order to get your website to the top of search results, many people have been using sneaky tactics that are now being caught by Google. According to Search Engine Watch, the things you should avoid are: -Hidden doorway pages -Buying links -Different page for engines and users -Hidden text or hidden links -Cloaking or redirects You should really focus on improving the user