Panda 3.9.2 is Rolling Out
Happy Panda hunting everyone! Just when you started to recover from the Penguin Update, Google has announced a new Panda Update, which has been dubbed Panda 3.9.2. Before we go into the details, just some quick perspective on this latest update. Panda 3.9.2 is estimated to affect only 0.7% of all search queries. If/when a new Panda Update’s impact exceeds 1% of queries, it will officially “jump” to 4.0. However, this doesn’t mean Panda 3.9.2 is insignificant. No single update – Microsoft Aims To Beat Google In Side-By-Side Blind Comparison
If you ask the average person which search engine they use, “Google” is the overwhelming response. Statistics show that Google is far and away the most utilized search engine, being used for 91% of searches ( This should come as a shock to…well, no one. Anyone who’s ever heard of the Internet knows that Google is the big man on campus. Recently, Microsoft has attempted to prove that they are worthy of overtaking the search giant as top dog.
The SEO Value of Directory Links
Over at Search Engine Watch, David Harry has written an incisive post, asking "are directory links still worth doing?" We strongly recommend you read David's post; it will give you a better understanding of how SEOs are looking at link building in the Post Penguin world. David makes several great points about the danger in generating low-quality directory links to your website month after month. However, David hits on a key point that we really want to expand upon. You
How to Think About Link Building in a Post Penguin SEO World
Last week we explained why linking is still (and always will be) crucial to your SEO campaign. Ever since Google's Penguin Update hit, marketers have been worrying that link building isn't going to work anymore. Now that Google is penalizing sites with a bad link profile, SEOs have gone running for the hills, scared that links are no longer key to getting rankings and traffic. As we noted, links remain SEO fuel for your website. While linking remains important, you
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SEO vs. Conversion: How to Balance Rankings Versus User Experience
Andrew Chen has a great Quora-comment-turned-blog post. Andrew breaks discusses the eternal struggle for every marketer: how to balance user satisfaction versus virality. This is something every marketer faces, as she must decide whether to create a campaign that focuses on value exchange or one that focuses on growth. Both arguments have their merits. An experience geared toward value exchange tends to be a much better one; thus, your customers will be much happier, ensuring a high retention rate and
How Your SEO Impacts Your Online Reputation
Giuseppe Pastore has a great post on SEOMoz about how Twitter's bad SEO negatively impacts his brand. We highly recommend you check out the post. It's a great read, not only for the SEO knowledge that's dropped but also because it gives you a great peak into the mind of a rock star online marketer. For online branding, it doesn't matter how much great content you produce or how valuable your products/service are in "real life"; it only matters what