Google Announces its 23rd Panda Update—Affecting ~1.3% of English Queries

December 26, 2012
What were you hoping to get for Christmas this year? We’re betting it probably wasn’t another Google Panda Update. Unfortunately, that’s exactly what was under the tree. Just before the holiday weekend, rumors of a Google algorithm update were swirling with people commenting on signs of a major update seemingly in the works. On Friday, Google confirmed these whisperings with a post to their Twitter page announcing that they had indeed pushed out yet another Panda data refresh that day.

SEO for 2013: Experimenting with your Methods, Diversifying your Tactics, and Opening your Mind

December 18, 2012
Change is a good thing. It may not always feel like it what with the 13 Panda updates, and even the Penguin update, we experienced in 2012, but it really can be a good thing. And Google algorithms aren’t the only things capable of change, either. What every business must ask themselves as we head into the New Year is how are we diversifying our tactics; how are we developing new ideas, new techniques, new mindsets? Right now, staying stagnant

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New Linking Strategies for Your SEO Campaign

November 19, 2012
Link building is the backbone of your SEO campaign. But in the aftermath of Google's Penguin Update, millions of online businesses saw their rankings (and web traffic) dip, or even take a huge drop. That's why in the second half of 2012, we've been trying to explain how you should think about link building in a Post-Penguin SEO world. Our answer: you need to think about how to create an organic footprint on the web, in places that your customers

National Positions Named 50th Fastest Growing Company in LA!

November 14, 2012
Big news for us at National Positions! The Los Angeles Business Journal has named National Positions the 50th fastest growing private company based in LA. This is the third year in a row the Business Journal has named us to this incredible list. This award is the latest in a series of accolades for National Positions, which has been recognized for our growth and our work for clients. For four straight years, from 2009 to 2012, Inc. Magazine has named

The Google Disavow Links Tool: One Tool to Rule Them All

October 17, 2012
Want to know what Google really has to say about all of those bad backlinks out there? That's right; Matt Cutts spilled the beans at Pubcon last night and confirmed Google has officially released their version of a disavow links tool. You can watch a 9 minute video of Matt Cutts discussing the disavow links tool features here, or read the official Google Webmaster Central Blog post here. The Disavow Links Tool Breakdown:   You can upload a .txt file

Panda and Penguin SEO Ranking Recovery Program

October 3, 2012
If you've been paying attention to SEO in the last couple of years, you know that Panda and Penguin Updates have completely transformed SEO forever. In the last 18 months, Google has made several major changes to its search engine algorithm, but Panda and Penguin are the headliners. Thanks to Panda and Penguin, many old SEO tactics that may have helped you gain top rankings are now harming your site and led to a significant drop in overall web traffic.