Negative SEO: What It Is and How You Can Protect Yourself

July 28, 2014
Here’s the scenario: you're sipping your coffee and firing up your favorite RSS reader, checking the latest SEO news feeds while you caffeinate. You see a blog post reporting that the latest edition of Google’s Penguin algorithm has gone live. What do you do? Should you even care? There are algorithm updates happening all the time, what’s the best way to protect your site against the next Google tidal wave without driving yourself crazy? In the spring of 2012 the world

Congrats to Our LegalTech Winner!

July 16, 2014
Earlier this month National Positions was honored to have been able to attend the west coast's most prominent legal technology conference of 2014. At the conference, members of our own National Positions team were able to discuss the state of digital marketing with technology thought-leaders and share actionable marketing tips with representatives from the legal market around the country. Not only was it an incredible couple of days filled with conversations and presentations tackling the technology, tools, and techniques impacting

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Then and Now: Understanding How SEO Content has Changed

July 7, 2014
If you spend any time in internet marketing circles – whether in discussions with colleagues, through social media, or by following the top bloggers and forums – you’ve no doubt heard a lot of talk about the “new era” of content. In terms of Internet marketing, and especially with regards to SEO, content used to be a seen primarily as a  vehicle for delivering keywords to search engine crawlers. Internet marketers focused largely on creating content into which keywords could

The Age of Content-Centric Search

July 3, 2014
In the early days of online search, there were easy ways to manipulate search results and gain first page rankings for your website.  While this worked for quite a few years, eventually Google became interested in rewarding websites for providing an all-around quality user experience to their visitors. Newer algorithm updates and the continued sophistication of search engine crawlers have made most tactics unsuccessful.  Adding a blog extension or Facebook page might help for a short term but can backfire

National Positions Attends LegalTech West Coast 2014

July 1, 2014
National Positions was thrilled to be invited to attend LegalTech West Coast in Los Angeles, CA this past week. With trade shows in both New York and Los Angeles, LegalTech is one of the nation's most important conference for law firms and legal departments to get an in-depth look at what's going on in the technological world and get hands-on advice and actionable information for growing their practices. As one of the year's most acclaimed legal technology events, National Positions

LinkedIn Opens Publishing To All Members–Why Some are Concerned about Duplicate Content

March 12, 2014
LinkedIn has officially announced that it has opened up publishing access to all of its users. Where once only "influencers" could publish content, articles and the like, now there will soon be free reign for all LinkedIn members to share their content on the professional site's own publishing platform. This is a great opportunity for sites looking to grow their brand and their base of professionals, potential clients and more. But even though access is still in the process of