7 Things You Need to Know About WCAG 2.0 & ADA Compliance
Chances are that your website is already compliant with W3C standards. These rules will typically suffice, but new accessibility standards have taken center stage. Meet the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines, also known as WCAG 2.0. WCAG 2.0 guidelines have been approved by top web developers, including those who have produced the brilliance behind CSS3 and HTML5. In this article, we’ll discuss WCAG 2.0 standards, as well as 7 things you can do to ensure that your website is on its
Marketing Automation in the Palm of Your Hand
You’ve mastered the art of marketing automation. You use customer relationship management software to store personalized info. You have incredible email marketing software – MailChimp, Sharp Spring, or perhaps Litmus. You even dig deep into Google Analytics in order track your results and refine your strategy. Congratulations. You’re a marketing rock star. But what about mobile? Do you send push notifications? Do you know how to engage with your customers in real-time based on their current location? If not, you
7 Ways to Boost Your SEO Search Rankings in 2018
SEO never stops evolving. Algorithms change, technology advances, and old habits give way to new trends. Yet many of the basics remain as relevant today as they were five years ago. Want to succeed in 2018? You’ll need to master traditional approaches while addressing emerging realities, from the rise of mobile to the arrival of voice search. With that in mind, here are some key tips for improving your Google rankings, based partially on the latest SEMrush SEO study, and
5 Ways to Show Customer Appreciation
Thoughtful "thank you" gifts are an effective tool to express your gratitude for your customers’ loyalty. Just remember, recognition is the main goal. Make sure your attempts to express customer appreciation don’t come across as self-serving—a means to boost business. Instead, make it all about them! Be Authentic. Giving for the mere purpose of getting can be as obvious as an overdone sales pitch. And it can actually harm your business. Your genuine expression of gratitude should excite your customer
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Investing in Customer Lifetime Value
Think about all the important people in your life. Is it your best friend you’ve known since kindergarten, a spouse, or a parent? Why are they so important to us? Affinity, experiences, and trust. All of this has been built over a lifetime, and nurturing these relationships has become part of our DNA. As professionals, we of course value our customers, but we can’t ignore the lifetime value of these customers and how this impacts our business. Just like being
7 Holiday Marketing Ideas for a Prosperous 2017
‘Tis the season for huge profits and high stress. As the fourth quarter of 2017 begins, businesses are rushing to put their holiday marketing campaigns into overdrive. The good news is that retailers should see solid gains in 2017, with analysts expecting holiday sales to rise between 3.8 and 4.5 percent over last year. The bad news is that competition has grown stiff. That puts tremendous pressure on executives and entrepreneurs to up their game. Want to make sure the