Podcast Alert! 20 Strategies for SEO Success with Holly Miller Anderson

August 11, 2020
In the latest edition of the Digital Breakthroughs Podcast – National Positions CEO Bernard May (virtually) sat down with SEO expert and strategist Holly Miller Anderson to unpack 20 SEO success strategies that businesses and brands around the world can put into practice. As a former head of SEO for brands like Macy’s and Bloomingdales, Holly’s invaluable insight into SEO’s impact on eCommerce and search rankings could not have come at a better time for our listeners and readers. Let’s dive into

Google’s May 2020 Broad Core Update – This One’s A Doozy

June 16, 2020
Google processes trillions of searches every year. They use the mountains of data they collect in the process to guide them in tweaking their search engine algorithms—in 2019 alone they made more than 3,000 changes. Most of these changes have little effects on search results, so businesses don’t notice them. But every now and then they release a big one—a broad core update. And on May 4 they launched a doozy.   What is a Google core update? A core

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Moving “Forward” Beyond COVID-19

May 12, 2020
This year has been off to a rocky start. No question. The clock struck midnight and we all waved goodbye to 2019 and hello to a new decade, bright-eyed and excited to tackle a brand-new year. Or so we thought. National Positions has seen its way through economic rises and falls before, including the Great Recession of 2008, but 2020 had something new in store that even our seasoned team couldn’t prepare for or see coming: a near-complete economic shutdown.

Choosing A Marketing Agency: 9 Questions You Need To Ask

February 6, 2020
Running a business is a non-stop exercise in entrepreneurial mindset, strategic thinking, and tactical execution. The problem (or opportunity) that most business owners run into is executing on all the growth-building activities required to take them to the next level, when—as they say—there are only 24 hours in a day. Then, there is the additional reality that—many times—budgets may simply not allow you to hire an entire internal team to handle your marketing stack (SEO, social, automation, etc.). It’s just

Is Your Website ADA Compliant? Make Sure It Is in 2020

January 9, 2020
Just a few of decades ago, those of us who were around at the time couldn’t have imagined how the internet would come to dominate our day-to-day lives. These days we rely on websites for just about everything. But, for the one in five Americans who has a visual, auditory, ambulatory, or cognitive disability, navigating websites can be a challenge. Attorneys are increasingly suing private companies whose sites don’t comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), a landmark civil

Google’s BERT Update: What You Need to Know

November 13, 2019
When it comes to ranking on Google, it’s no secret that showing up in search results comes down to content. Over the past couple of years, the value of content—and the context surrounding that content—has been a huge focus for both content marketers and SEO strategists. However, as Heraclitus once said, “The only constant in life is change.” So, while the latest update from Google continues its focus on the relevance of the content itself, it also focuses on the