13 Brands that Pivoted to Find Success for 2021
HAPPY NEW YEAR! That felt fantastic. “Hey, last year, see you never.” Well, that’s not entirely true...before we store “2020” in the cloud (and in our minds) in the “DO NOT OPEN” file, let’s take a look back at some of the lessons learned and successes earned during this complicated, uncertain year. We reached out to some of our fellow SMBs, asking them to share the silver linings that came about during this often dark time. We share these “wins”
Podcast Alert! Marketing with GRACE in 2021
In the final 2020 episode of our Digital Breakthroughs podcast, we wanted to shake things up with a guest host! This week, our own Director of Marketing, Matt Erickson, took the podcast reigns and put CEO Bernard May in the virtual hot seat. To close out the year, our CEO wanted to unveil a new strategic marketing framework that we use for all our clients so you, too, can add it to your marketing toolbox for 2021. We call
Digital Breakthroughs #10 – Marketing Trends for 2021!
Every year, National Positions takes a look at all that’s happened surrounding digital marketing, ecommerce, and industry shifts to make our predictions as to where next year will take us. Now, this year has obviously not been a normal year. This year all of the certainty about what we thought would happen and where we would be heading was shaken to its core—forcing us marketers to reassess what the future would hold. This doesn’t mean that many of
9 Ways to Virtually Celebrate the Holidays With Your Team!
If your company is anything like ours, you started planning this year’s holiday party about a week after last year’s ended, but alas—we all must take those plans, wrap them up, tie a pretty bow, and store them until next year. But does this mean the end of holiday celebrations for you and your hardworking team? We think not! We can still Zoom our way through the holiday season with virtual festivities aplenty. Not sure how to plan your merriments
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Marketing Conversion Strategies for 2021: Podcast Alert! *Part 2*
Welcome to part two of our podcast (and blog) all about conversion optimization tips, tricks, tactics, and strategies for the holiday season and beyond. If you missed part one you can click here to see what you missed from part one, but if you are feeling brave and want to start from here, we respect your gusto! When we left off with CEO Bernard May and Marketing Director Matt Erickson, we had just begun unpacking the need to use Google
Marketing Conversion Strategies for 2021: Podcast Alert! *Part One*
Can you believe that the holidays are right around the corner?! And we all know that the holiday season is something that families, shoppers, and businesses count on to make the year in the rearview mirror all worthwhile. With this in mind, National Positions’ Digital Breakthroughs podcast decided to dedicate Episode 9 to conversion rate optimization. Basically, if you could double or triple your revenues and profits without increasing your costs, would you do it? Yeah, so would we! That