10 Questions You Need to Be Asking Your Marketing Agency in 2022 (Part 2)
We are back with part two of our deep dive into "10 questions you need to be asking your marketing agency in 2022" We already covered aspects like pinpointing you business problems and retaining ownership of you campaign data - but now its time to dive into five more critical questions you need to be asking your marketing agency. If you missed the first half of this list, click right here to the first half of this chocolate and vanilla
10 Questions You Need to Be Asking Your Marketing Agency in 2022 (Part 1)
Out of the many changes that have taken place over the past few years in the world of digital marketing, there may be none more profound than the relationship between agencies and the businesses they are partnered with. In every passing year, there are as many new professionals, experts, and agencies as there are new digital marketing trends. But are all agencies created equal? Absolutely not. While it seems that every agency out there claims to have its own “secret
Amazon SEO Is Real – This Is How It Works
There’s no doubt that Amazon’s influence in the ecommerce sphere is perpetually on the rise. With so many sellers vying for their products to be seen, desired, and bought, Amazon sellers need to leverage every aspect of their product listings to attract potential buyers. One highly effective way of doing this is by using Amazon SEO. This involves optimizing product listings from "top to tail" to get your product ranking higher in Amazon search results than your competitors.
Amazon Operational Excellence: Why Your Amazon Account Health Is So Important!
Amazon operational excellence relies on sellers sticking to strict policies and commitments. Falling behind on addressing negative feedback, resolving violations, or responding to customer requests can significantly damage your ability to reach customers and buyers. Today, we cover everything you need to know about your Amazon Account Health and how you can optimize your ratings and selling ability. What Is Amazon Account Health? If you’re not entirely new to selling on Amazon, you’ll know they have extensive performance
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8 Ways To Improve Your Amazon Product Listings – Today!
As you may (or may not) know, getting your products approved and ready to sell to the masses on Amazon is only half the battle. Next, you need to make sure your product listings are pristine, so they are adored by not only Amazon but also your eager customer base. Appeasing both Amazon algorithms and the mindset of consumers go hand in hand—the better your product listings, the more rapidly Amazon will serve up those listings to shoppers,
Top 10 Amazon Keyword Research Tools to Use in 2022
No Amazon product launch is complete without proper keyword research. By taking the time to thoroughly research and implement your most valuable keywords, you can increase the likelihood that your product will be found and that your profit potential will be even greater. Amazon keyword research may seem tedious, but it is a critical component when it comes to ensuring success on the platform. Keyword research is both a science and an art! If you've seen an Amazon product