5 Things Your Customers Want to See From Your Brand

May 12, 2022
In the old days, broadcasting a general email marketing message to your customers was considered effective and sufficient. But today, it simply isn’t enough to hope that one message will appeal to everyone; now, customers both demand and expect brands to communicate in ways that appeal to them. Here are 5 strategies for getting your brand to that place.   Fearless Storytelling Brands that aren’t afraid to tell their stories are brands that can achieve greater customer LTV. This is

Amazon Sellers! This is Why You Should Consider FBA

May 11, 2022
Those who sell or are considering selling their items on Amazon have two choices: they can opt to fill customer orders themselves through Amazon FBM (Fulfilled by Merchant) or through FBA (Fulfilled by Amazon). While there are many reasons for merchants to consider both options, today’s focus will be on the benefits of the FBA program.     Established Shipping Knowledge and Relationships FBA is the superior choice when it comes to shipping. Due to the company’s contracts with multiple

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5 Reasons Email Marketing Is (Still) Key To Successful Marketing

April 28, 2022
Email marketing has been around for as long as the internet has existed. The idea of having unbridled reach to potential customers and clients worldwide meant tapping into a massive, untapped market. For years, email marketing was one of the only methods many big and small businesses used to approach customers.  Then, with the advent of other forms of marketing like SEO, social media, and SMS, many business owners came to see email as an outdated option and migrated their

5 Ways To Use SMS Marketing To Supercharge Profitability

April 28, 2022
SMS marketing has long been a criminally underappreciated form of reaching out to potential clients and customers. With multiple sources reporting SMS marketing reaching an opening rate of 98%, it’s a wonder there aren’t more businesses making use of this undervalued tool to boost sales, create rapport, and grow their brand.  Understanding how to leverage text marketing while remaining within the limits of national regulations is something every ecommerce business should prioritize. Not only will it help your business grow,

How Your Target Generation Acts in the Ecommerce World!

April 19, 2022
Every generation searching, clicking, and purchasing online has its preferences​​—and not just when it comes to what they are buying. Why and how they decide to make those ecommerce purchases also varies. This means that when you target a specific demographic, understanding their mindset and actions is extraordinarily valuable for building your strategy. So, we wanted to kick open the doors and uncover the data for the primary four generations of ecommerce customers: Baby Boomers, Gen X, Millennials, and Gen

5 Ecommerce Strategies You Should Consider in 2022 – And Why They Matter!

April 5, 2022
The world of ecommerce can be cutthroat.  With such a wide variety of products and services available from around the globe, it takes a lot of forethought and planning to ensure your product gets the exposure and interest it deserves. However, finding the right way to boost your sales and profits is certainly not easy when there are just as many ecommerce strategies as products available.  We’ve compiled the top five overlooked options to help you take your business and