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Free Ads on Google Shopping?! No, You Are Not Dreaming

May 6, 2020
In a world full of questions, there is one entity that has been keeping track of all of them—Google. Everything from “When is lockdown ending?” to “Where can I buy a facemask?” has been on our minds and therefore part of our Google searches, as we make our way through the new normal. But there is also a-rock-and-a-hard place situation that it appears Google is attempting to provide some assistance with. How are brands that have had their revenues impacted

Google Announces $340 Million in SMB Ad Credits

April 24, 2020
As small and medium-sized businesses continue to feel the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, service-based brands that support these businesses continue to look for ways to help them. For many businesses, the main goal (for the time being) is to maintain viability as opposed to focusing on bullish revenue growth. This change in strategy, however, has left a marketing gap that many are unsure how to fill. Businesses and brands (brick-and-mortar or online) that are still operational find themselves in

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LegitScript Certification: What Is It and Does Your Business Need It?

March 12, 2020
The internet has changed the world for the better in so many ways. But it has also provided a platform for unscrupulous product sellers and service providers. Every day these shady operators rake in cash at the expense of public health—often with devastating consequences. Just ask the Pennsylvania woman who suffered permanent blindness in one eye after being injured by a product she bought on Amazon. Consumers assume products and services they buy online have been properly tested and vetted.

5 Things Marketing Agencies Want You to Know About PPC Advertising

October 2, 2019
Digital marketing agencies are in the unenviable position of setting realistic expectations when it comes to paid advertising. Marketing dollars are precious, and campaigns don’t always go as planned. It’s a complicated business. Worse, there’s no shortage of agencies out there that overpromise and underdeliver. When things don’t go our way it’s easy to get frustrated and give up. Understanding a few key things about paid campaigns can give you a better grasp on what to expect and boost your

5 Ways to Boost Your PPC Performance

September 13, 2019
PPC is an essential part of any effective marketing strategy today. If SEO is the engine, PPC is the turbo booster that puts your brand in front of the right customer at the right time so you can generate leads and results faster. But PPC isn’t a “set it and forget it” tool. You still have to put in the work—that means proper planning and constant monitoring. Here are 5 ways to make sure you get the most for your

Improve Your Search Engine Marketing Strategy by Combining SEO and PPC

August 27, 2019
In a perfect world you could have your summer intern whip up some keyword-optimized content, slap it on your site, and magically rank at the top of internet search results overnight. It’s not that easy, of course. Good SEO is essential, but it takes time—it’s not an overnight transformation. And Google has caught on to black hat SEO techniques like keyword stuffing and cloaking—it’s just not a winning strategy anymore. Worse, shady tactics could get you eighty-sixed from search results