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7 Ways to Automate Your Ecommerce Success

October 26, 2020
Ecommerce is booming, especially since COVID-19 turned our world upside down. But even before the pandemic started, online sales were dominating growth in the retail sector. The advantages of ecommerce are clear. Websites run 24/7. Staff hours are limited. And having an online shop lets you cast a much wider net—you can reach customers you never would if you were limited to a brick and mortar store. Even with an online store, though, you still need a team doing the

Your Holiday Marketing Needs to Start Now—Here’s Why

September 15, 2020
Over the past decade or so, most brands have set their sites on launching holiday promotions a little after those Halloween costumes have done their tricking and treating and the Thanksgiving decorations are ready for their annual debut.  Each year (as consumers) it feels like the holiday marketing season creeps into our lives a day or two earlier. Holiday lights are turned on a little sooner (and brighter) and the dreaded (or beloved—depends on who you are) holiday playlist is

10 Marketing Trends
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5 Ways to Optimize Your Marketing Funnel to Get the Results You Want

July 23, 2020
A marketing funnel (or sales funnel) is the process a lead goes through to become a paying customer or client. The end goal may also be non-monetary, like capturing a person’s email address. Marketing funnels (sometimes referred to as the “customer journey”) are essential because they help turn prospects into customers. They’re called funnels because at the beginning of the process you cast a wide net to attract lots of potential customers. Some people continue down to the next step,

6 Tips to Mastering the Psychology of Need

June 27, 2018
The Marketing Psychology of Need You have an incredible product. You’ve told the world about it. You’ve described every feature in glowing terms – exquisite, handcrafted, cutting-edge, one-of-a-kind, stunning. You wait for the purchases to roll in. You think you marketing psychology game is on point.  Silence! No one seems interested. What’s the problem? You’ve ignored the golden rule of marketing psychology: People don’t buy products; they buy solutions.   Define the Need If every blog post you write and every

3 Ways to Say ‘Thanks’ This Thanksgiving

November 21, 2017
So, it’s Thanksgiving in a couple of days. Did you remember to thank the loyal customers who’ve been in your corner since day one? What about the new clients you just added to your family? If you made a Thanksgiving faux pas and forgot to send out greetings of gratitude – have no fear! Here are three last-minute ways to say: THANK YOU!    A Typed Note Is Better Than No Note Okay, so we all know that a handwritten note

Growth Tactic #95 Make the Most of Your Onboarding Email

May 18, 2017
Every email you send matters. But the first one you send to a new subscriber, client, or interested party – well that one matters even more. Find out how to Make the Most of Your Onboarding Email with Growth Tactic #95–the newest tool for your 100-Day Digital Growth Plan toolbox. OVERVIEW--Make the Most of Your Onboarding Email  In Growth Tactic #19, we tackled the universal (but oh so important) Welcome Email.  Sometimes, all your list needs is a little recognition