Growth Tactic #97 Timing is Everything–Schedule Emails

May 22, 2017
Let’s face it: people get busy, so responding to your email might not be their top priority. Luckily, today’s growth tip will help you avoid the pain of having an empty inbox. When you schedule emails with care, you'll reach the right people at the right time. Learn how, in Timing is Everything--Schedule Emails. It's Growth Tactic #97, up next in your 100-Day Digital Growth Plan. OVERVIEW: Timing is Everything--Schedule Emails   In the world of business, timing can make or break

Growth Tactic #96 Expand Your Reach by Integrating Partner Software

May 19, 2017
Feeling a bit isolated in the competitive online world? Make new friends and build your business as you Expand Your Reach by Integrating Partner Software. You may think you aren’t ready for partners, but think again: you can have the benefit of a partner’s brilliant idea (read: app) and skip the complication of a full-on relationship (read: no baggage). It’s easier than you think, as you’ll see in Growth Tactic #96—one of the last 5 gems in your 100-Day Digital Growth Plan!

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Growth Tactic #94 Make a Competitor Comparison Chart

May 17, 2017
How often have you wondered about the best way to make your company stand apart from its competitors? Here's a no-fail tip for taking your business to the top with a competitive analysis. Differentiating your brand from its competitors will show your clients why your product or service out-performs others. Find out how in Growth Tactic #94, Make a Competitor Comparison Chart. It’s next up in your 100-Day Digital Growth Plan. OVERVIEW--Make a Competitor Comparison Chart It’s important to know what’s out

Growth Tactic #91 Social Proof from Celebrity Endorsements

May 12, 2017
Ever consider asking a celebrity or industry leader to endorse your company? The idea may not be so farfetched. Securing brand endorsements from celebrities can dramatically increase your company’s sales and profits by creating social proof and brand credibility. Find out how you can obtain Social Proof from Celebrity Endorsements in Growth Tactic #91, the next step in your 100-Day Digital Growth Plan. OVERVIEW--Social Proof from Celebrity Endorsements   Building brand awareness is a key part of growing your business.

Growth Tactic #88 Optimize Your Email Signature

May 9, 2017
If you’re currently taking the “name + contact info” dead-end approach when it comes to your email signature, you’re missing an opportunity. Change it up with Growth Tactic #88, Optimize Your Email Signature, the next tip in your 100-Day Digital Growth Plan. Don’t just end your emails on a good note–close them with a call-to-action.   OVERVIEW--Optimize Your Email Signature  You should always be selling. Even if you’re not the sales guy (or gal). Anywhere you can slip in a

Growth Tactic #86 Drive Conversions on Targeted Social Media

May 5, 2017
Although participating on social media platforms (like Facebook and Twitter) helps grow your business, no one ever said driving conversions would be free. In order to get a little, you need to give a little, and creating targeted social media ads is one way to do it. Ads may make a slight dent in your wallet, but in the end, they can pay off. Learn how you can Drive Conversions on Social Media in Growth Tactic #86, the next step
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