24 Ways to Create Leads With Your Company Blog
In our previous post, we offered tips on how to use your company blog for SEO to drive traffic to your website. And while you should be using all those SEO tricks to boost your rankings, we want to stress that this is not the only reason to have a blog. Ultimately, the purpose of having a blog is generate more leads. Granted, improving your site's rankings is a great way to do this. But there are many other ways
10 Ways to Use Facebook to Generate Leads for Your Business
By now, you're probably aware of Facebook's marketing force. The social network has over 600 million users, and it is estimated that some time this decade the majority of the world's population will be using Facebook! While Facebook is still taking shape, one thing is certain. Facebook offers you immediate and constant communication with potential customers like never before in the history of the world. So we wanted to take a few minutes to explain how your business can use
How to reduce your website’s bounce rate
Conversion and getting a strong ROI is the biggest Internet Marketing concern in 2011. SEO is now more commonly practiced, making your business search space much more saturated. Getting top rankings in the search engines is essential to improving your online exposure to grow your business, but this is getting more expensive. That's why you need to focus on conversion optimization. For all the time and resources spent on driving traffic to your company, you need to make sure you're
Online Shoppers Take Some Time to Convert
A new study by NetElixir will help you feel better about your SEO results. Shoppers are back to buying in this economy, it's just taking them a longer time to buy. The study says that the time between getting online shoppers engaged and the actual purchase is a long time. Researchers believe that consumers are taking a longer time to actually make a purchase because they are doing thorough research online. They are price checking and gathering more information and