Growth Tactic #80 How Do You Score? Survey Your Customer Loyalty

April 27, 2017
On a scale from 0 to 10, where does your business fall when it comes to customer loyalty and happiness? By using Net Promoter Score®, you can quickly and easily survey customer loyalty and find out if your customers would be willing to put in a great word for you of their own accord…or, if they’re on the verge of writing a bad review. Let’s jump right in with Growth Tactic #80 in your 100-Day Digital Growth Plan, How Do you

Growth Tactic #79 Find a Social Partner for Shared Growth

April 26, 2017
Growing your business is not a solo job—good thing that sharing your growth with a social partner is a great way to expand online reach and bring more people to your website. Let’s start with the basics: who is a social partner? Any business owner who has a message or customer base that’s similar to yours can qualify. Even if you’re not a social butterfly, stepping out of your comfort zone and making friends in the business world could be

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Growth Tactic #78 The Lines Are Open! Give Them Your Number

April 25, 2017
Sharing your phone number loud and proud on your website is so 2007…or is it? If your digits are no longer readily available on your website, you might be (unknowingly) sabotaging leads when you could be producing increased conversions. Oh, wait. Hang on a second– do you hear that? That’s the sound of your 100-Day Digital Growth Plan calling with Growth Tactic #78 The Lines Are Open! Give Them Your Number – well, it’s a good thing we had your

Growth Tactic #75 Say It Out Loud–Blog Commenting for Social Engagement

April 20, 2017
Level of social engagement and interaction are key indicators that something is working…or not. When it comes to blog posts, the more comments people see, the more alluring posts become. Why? Because (for good or bad) they've been dubbed “popular.” And we really like popular. So, for selfish reasons (getting your own name out there), try performing the seemingly selfless act of  blog commenting on others’ posts. Intrigued? Learn more in Growth Tactic #75: Say It Out Loud--Blog Commenting for

Growth Tactic #73 Make the Ask for Online Reviews

April 18, 2017
Good things come to those who ask for them. At least this much is true when we’re talking about online reviews. Let’s be honest, we’re all guilty of not giving credit where credit is due sometimes. We get lazy or we just don’t think of it. But if someone were to flat-out ask you for a review – you just might be more inclined to follow through. Learn how to build your online reputation when you Make the Ask For Online Reviews, #73

Growth Tactic #69: Use Your Blog to Target Niche Groups

April 12, 2017
You’re not a generic business owner are you? So why would you want to be the owner of a cookie cutter blog? It’s no secret that trying to get your blog to stand out amongst competitors’ is challenging - but there are tools and tactics for that (like the one you’re reading now, you lucky duck!). In this most recent post, Growth Tactic #69 in your 100-Day Digital Growth Plan, you’ll learn how to Use Your Blog to Target Niche
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