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Quick & Easy Tips for Driving Traffic

May 27, 2016
What, again? Yup. You always need fresh ideas for driving traffic to your website, with plenty of new visitors, of course. We thought it was time to offer up a collection of quick and easy tips, the kind that get your numbers climbing with the least investment of time and money. So, fasten your seat belt...  Tip #1 Repurpose-Recycle-Reuse for driving traffic Whatever term you use (but we prefer repurpose), save time by repurposing  your best content resources. Reformat content for

Beyond Keywords: Drive Better Quality Traffic to Your Site

September 3, 2015
Panda, Penguin, Hummingbird—if it’s your job to care about SEO, these critters have complicated your life in recent years. The new Google search algorithms they represent, along with other ongoing updates—as many as 500 or more per year—have changed the rules for driving quality traffic to your web site. These days, it's about looking beyond keywords. Gone are the days of “keyword stuffing,” when bad writing and obvious gimmicks got you into the top page rankings. The new ecosystem calls

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Learn to Write Clickable Headlines that Drive Your Competition Crazy

August 26, 2015
Writing great headlines comes naturally to some people, but most of us need a little help crafting those irresistible lines that make readers want to know more. Sure, a lot is riding on the headline, but it all comes down to one overriding concern: does it generate an amazing click-through rate, the kind that your competition would kill for? That measure of success can also reflect on your company’s image as a forward-leaning, innovative brand, not to mention your standing

The Psychology of Content that Converts

January 3, 2015
Killer content is a powerful conversion tool, when used correctly. Understanding the psychology behind what your customers are looking for in that content, and how you can give it to them, is key when you're looking to get the most out of your content marketing. As human beings it is only natural to rush to judgment about all aspects of an online experience--especially when something is as subjective as content.  This desire to dissect and interpret reaches branded content as

The Top 4 Reasons Your Content is Good, Not Great

December 17, 2014
Content marketing isn’t the next big thing. It’s the big thing. And with everyone today trying their hand at content marketing, creating average content simply isn’t going to cut it anymore. But what makes great content marketing great? What’s the difference between average content and phenomenal content? Unfortunately, great content has no one true formula, but there are a lot of common factors that all pieces of great content share. 1. Great Content Has a Purpose Great content takes us

What It Actually Means to be an Online Authority—and How You Become One

August 20, 2014
These days, there aren’t a lot of short cuts left. If you want to be seen as an authority, you have to be one. Being an authority online is about more than just being a thought leader in your industry—it’s a reflection of the time you’ve taken to translate that leadership, that expertise, and that insight into what you share and the ways you engage your customers online. These are brands that customers trust as influencers in their industries and