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How to Get Expert Content Without Hiring an Expert

July 14, 2014
There’s no question that content is one of the most important ingredients in any internet marketing campaign. Great content is what the search engines want, and for one simple reason: it’s what web users are looking for. So what makes great content?  According to search engines like Google, it’s content that is informative, well-written, engaging, and that helps establish your expertise in your industry. Whether you run an office supply site or manage a busy law practice, users – and

How To Make Content Creation Effortless [Infographic]

July 8, 2014
Creating quality content can be a complex, time consuming process. Having a strategy before you start creating content is crucial, but even then it can be difficult to create the volume of content you want, with the quality and the value that your audience (and the search engines) need. Creating one central piece of content--what content marketers call your Content Pillar--and then building out from there allows brands to take their content further and get more from their content marketing

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Then and Now: Understanding How SEO Content has Changed

July 7, 2014
If you spend any time in internet marketing circles – whether in discussions with colleagues, through social media, or by following the top bloggers and forums – you’ve no doubt heard a lot of talk about the “new era” of content. In terms of Internet marketing, and especially with regards to SEO, content used to be a seen primarily as a  vehicle for delivering keywords to search engine crawlers. Internet marketers focused largely on creating content into which keywords could

Duplicate Content: How Unique Is Unique Enough?

April 20, 2013
Why Does Google Hate Duplicate Content? Let’s say you’re looking for a new book to read. So you ask a friend for a recommendation. They suggest a popular fiction book. You start to read it, but it’s just not for you. You ask for another recommendation, and they hand you the same book you just rejected. Well, that’s… not very helpful. To Google, duplicate content is that book. It’s the same scenario, just instead of a friend handing you the

How to Create Quality Content on a Small Budget

December 19, 2012
As you start thinking about marketing strategies for the New Year, it's important to remember that the shift towards the unique, quality content that picked up speed in 2012 is most certainly not over. But, with the New Year comes new opportunities for you to reexamine your strategies and realign them with your budget--big or small. And luckily, creating high quality content doesn't always have to come with a high price tag; we're here to prove it. Here are a few tips

5 Ways to Create Content that Markets Itself

December 17, 2012
What’s worse than creating a fascinating blog post or writing a piece of quality content… that nobody sees. Sometimes, even after posting to Facebook or tweeting with the best of them, your content still ends up sadly, and surprisingly, overlooked. Find out how to make content that markets itself with these 5 tips—no extra tweets required. Stick to What Works New isn't always better, especially if it comes at the cost of sacrificing a proven technique, style, or method that’s worked for