6 Must-Haves for Launching (or Upgrading) Your Podcast in 2021

January 7, 2021
The popularity of podcasts has exploded in the last decade. As of January 2020, there were 850,000 active podcasts—up from 500,000 in early 2018.   Podcast consumption dipped a bit in the early days of the pandemic, but the number of podcast listeners has recently bounced back to pre-COVID levels. Today, more than half of consumers over age 12 listen to podcasts, mostly on mobile apps. Thanks to the exponential growth of technology, starting a podcast has never been easier.

9 Ways to Virtually Celebrate the Holidays With Your Team!

December 3, 2020
If your company is anything like ours, you started planning this year’s holiday party about a week after last year’s ended, but alas—we all must take those plans, wrap them up, tie a pretty bow, and store them until next year. But does this mean the end of holiday celebrations for you and your hardworking team? We think not! We can still Zoom our way through the holiday season with virtual festivities aplenty. Not sure how to plan your merriments

10 Marketing Trends
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7 Brands That Successfully Adapted Their Advertising for COVID-19

November 23, 2020
When COVID first hit, many brands were left scrambling to rethink their whole ad messaging strategy. Expedia’s globe-trotting garden gnome was put on house arrest, and the Charmin bears went into early hibernation. Ads featuring vacationers frolicking on white sandy beaches suddenly became irrelevant (if not cruel) amid announcements of lockdowns and mask mandates. But it hasn’t been all bad news. The pandemic has given brands the opportunity to show their softer side. And one thing we’ve seen consistently since

Digital Breakthroughs Podcast #4 – Nutritional Marketing with Gabriel Flores

June 30, 2020
In our ongoing quest to bring you the latest from industry-leading marketers, business leaders, and entrepreneurs – Digital Breakthroughs is back with CEO of Applied Nutriceuticals, Gabriel Flores. In addition to being a highly decorated martial artist, Gabriel has over 20 years’ experience developing, marketing, and launching hundreds of nutritional supplements. National Positions CEO Bernard May (virtually) sat down with Gabriel to discuss not only the nutritional supplement market as a whole but also to uncover the secret to his

5 Ways to Take Your Meetings from Zzz to A+ In-Person and Online

April 6, 2020
We have all been in one and we have all wished it would end sooner. We’ve tried chewing gum, sneaking a snack, doodling, taking notes, daydreaming, but nothing seems to help…when you’re stuck in a work meeting that’s so boring, you’d (almost) rather be at the dentist. Too often, these gatherings, geared toward resolving issues and streamlining shortcomings, seem to drag on endlessly. And they end as scattered as they began. If others could see it, the thought bubble floating

5 Ways Local Businesses Can Adapt Amidst COVID-19

March 18, 2020
Businesses around the world are feeling the impact of the coronavirus pandemic, perhaps none more than local businesses. Neighborhood businesses rely on their local communities and their ongoing patronage to keep operations running, especially establishments like restaurants, gyms, and those that offer personal services. With swelling uncertainty, many local businesses are scrambling to keep their doors open by whatever means possible without compromising safety and customer trust. For some businesses, there is no wiggle room to change operations based on
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