Top 20 Tips Proven to Boost Conversions up to 200%

November 21, 2016
Your conversion rate, the number of website visitors who take action, is the final metric that matters--the one that validates all your other efforts. Here are 20 easy-to-digest, practical tips, proven to help you boost conversions by as much as 200%. Adapt these ideas to fit your business and get the greatest possible return out of all your marketing efforts. 1. Test options for the call to action. A/B testing is essential to finding the reasons behind low conversions. Changing

Alphabet – The A-Z of Google’s new holding company

August 11, 2015
Yesterday, Google announced that they would be restructuring the upper-crust of their brand into a holding company that will simply be known as Alphabet. At the surprise of many (including owners of pre-existing companies already called "Alphabet"), Google's co-founders, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, announced that the decision was made so that Google could continue its legacy as the most-used search engine in the world while its now-sister companies continue to evolve the world outside of the web. For instance,

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What It Actually Means to be an Online Authority—and How You Become One

August 20, 2014
These days, there aren’t a lot of short cuts left. If you want to be seen as an authority, you have to be one. Being an authority online is about more than just being a thought leader in your industry—it’s a reflection of the time you’ve taken to translate that leadership, that expertise, and that insight into what you share and the ways you engage your customers online. These are brands that customers trust as influencers in their industries and

How to Create a Real Brand and THEN Market It

April 25, 2014
Having a powerful, identifiable brand enables businesses to grow and maintain an audience and promote themselves (and their products and services) online and off in incredibly effective ways. But before your business can really start marketing your brand, you need to truly have one. Effective branding is crucial, and it's something that many businesses overlook the importance of. Without a solid brand, your marketing will never be as successful as it could. But building a successful brand that reflects your

What Video Games Taught Me About Marketing

August 24, 2012
By Victoria Khaze Most people think playing video games is just a way to unwind and relax and most of the time it’s true. While I was discussing some games with a friend of mine I realized you can learn a lot about marketing from video games. So here is what video games taught me about marketing: Give Stuff Away for Little or No Work I grew up with Sonic the Hedgehog and if you’ve ever played it you know
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