5 Landing Page Tests You Need To Be Running
When it comes to paid media marketing like Google PPC, Facebook Ads, or even YouTube Ads, all too often, clicks get the glory while the landing page gets overlooked—not necessarily by our prospects but by us! Of course your ad campaign matters when it comes to driving attention to what you have to offer, but your landing page is what turns that attention into conversions. Landing pages inform, answer questions, and above all, build enough trust to entice your prospect
Podcast Alert! Apple iOS vs. Facebook (Part 1)
Every advertiser and marketer using Facebook and Instagram ads is asking the same question right about now...“What the heck is going on?!” As Apple’s latest iOS update has sent performance plummeting in recent weeks, we decided to pick the brains of some of the best social media minds at National Positions to unpack what is happening. And we are doing this in podcast form. Welcome to Apple iOS vs. Facebook Part 1! In this episode of Digital Breakthroughs,
Why Offline Conversion Tracking Is Your Secret Weapon!
Offline Conversion Tracking Is Your Secret Weapon: Here’s Why It Matters Online conversion data doesn’t give you the full picture of who’s buying your products or services. Business happens offline, too. Someone might download a free eBook on your website but sign up for a service agreement in person. A homeowner might find a plumbing company via paid search but then call the company directly to schedule an appointment. A foodie might see a banner ad for a new product
Marketing Conversion Strategies for 2021: Podcast Alert! *Part One*
Can you believe that the holidays are right around the corner?! And we all know that the holiday season is something that families, shoppers, and businesses count on to make the year in the rearview mirror all worthwhile. With this in mind, National Positions’ Digital Breakthroughs podcast decided to dedicate Episode 9 to conversion rate optimization. Basically, if you could double or triple your revenues and profits without increasing your costs, would you do it? Yeah, so would we! That
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Where Are You Going? Bounces, Exits and the User Experience
When someone visits your site and then leaves without so much as clicking on a link or navigating to another page, it’s called a bounce. If your bounce rate or drop off rate is too high, you risk losing credibility in the eyes of Google, and your online visibility may suffer as a result. Whether or not you should fear a high bounce rate depends on your overarching goals and the purpose of each landing page. Perhaps you don’t want
Are Machine Learning & AI Redefining Digital Marketing?
A commercial comes on while you’re watching the newest episode of your favorite TV show and more often than not, it’s for a product or service you don’t need. What do you do? You use commercial breaks to grab a snack, finish a text message, or see what is in your social newsfeed. By the time your attention returns to the screen, you’ve missed virtually all the commercials and are ready to refocus on your show. This is great if