What is Video SEO?
When Google started offering blended search results--with relevant videos interspersed amongst their top search results--VSEO became a crucial element to successful online marketing. Because these results had click-to-play images and were often right at the top of the organic results, video SEO campaigns allowed businesses easy access to incredibly powerful exposure and helped brands of all sizes gain a whole new audience. Now, thanks to Penguin and Panda, diversity, relevance, share-ability and user-experince are at an all time high as
Rules to Live By When You’re Thinking About a Site Redesign
Having a site that looks as great as it functions is more valuable than ever. Now that driving traffic is harder and search engines are more sophisticated, you need to make the most of every visitor that lands on your page--and that means having a great site. But what makes a great site? More importantly, how do you know when it's time to redesign your website? And how do you go about doing it? More than ever, the goal of
The History of SEO Made Simple: The Evolution of Search Engine Optimization
In order to thrive in the highly competitive market that the organic search results pages provides, businesses need to get their site seen at the top of the SERPs—and that means strategic SEO and innovative Internet marketing. Search engine optimization is key for companies looking to grow their business to it's fullest potential by leveraging their online presence, but how did it all begin? When did SEO start? Why? And what’s different about it now? The Beginnings of Search It
National Positions Launches Solutions Based Internet Marketing
National Positions is excited to announce our newest internet marketing solution designed to provide businesses with everything they need to stay ahead of the competition in today's ever-evolving, highly competitive and highly sophisticated online marketplace. National Positions' Solutions Based Internet Marketing program offers businesses the power to create custom campaigns built around the most adaptable and comprehensive services available. This innovative program provides businesses with the building blocks for success--from marketing analysis to SEO, content marketing to email marketing, social media to
Subscribe By Email
How to Write Emails that Make Subscribers Want to Open, Read, and Act
When it comes to email marketing, there's a great deal of potential--for success, yes, but also for failure. An ineffective email won't only fail to incite action, but even worse, it won't get read, or even opened. If you want to create an email campaign that incites action, encourages engagement and drives more business--you need to start writing great emails. And here's how: 1. How to Write Emails that will get Opened Email is a phenomenal way of reaching out
The Keys to Creating Powerful Calls to Action
Driving traffic to your site is the first half of the online marketing battle, but it's definitely not all of it. And, with organic search becoming increasingly sophisticated, conversion is absolutely essential. If you think that having accurate, accessible Contact Us information on your website is enough when it comes to a calls-to-action, well, I hate to be the barer of bad news....but that's just not going to cut it. Calls-to-action are an integral part of a successful conversion strategy