What Robin Williams’ Best Lines Can Teach You About Marketing

August 25, 2014
The news of Robin Williams passing hit hard for millions around the world. But what does Robin Williams have to do with you? Or, more importantly here, what do Robin Williams' one-liners have to do with the way you run your business or the ways you handle your internet marketing? Whether or not you were a fan of his work--the man certainly left an impression. And with so many years in the public eye, his words filled with humor, imparted

What It Actually Means to be an Online Authority—and How You Become One

August 20, 2014
These days, there aren’t a lot of short cuts left. If you want to be seen as an authority, you have to be one. Being an authority online is about more than just being a thought leader in your industry—it’s a reflection of the time you’ve taken to translate that leadership, that expertise, and that insight into what you share and the ways you engage your customers online. These are brands that customers trust as influencers in their industries and

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Penguin 3.0’s On Its Way–And Why Businesses Should be Welcoming Its Arrival

August 18, 2014
It has been nearly a year since the last Penguin update was released--10 months to be exact, leaving many wondering: When exactly will the next update be coming? According to Google's representatives, we won't have much longer to wait. Many of Google's algorithm changes have become increasingly subtle. Changes are constantly being made to improve the results the search engine's provide, rolled in with their regular refreshes and made without any kind of announcement from the webmasters at Google. Panda,

Why Technical SEO Matters for Content Marketers Too

August 13, 2014
If there's content on a website and no one is around to read it, is it marketing? Maybe, but it's not very effective. Getting an audience in front of your content is the most basic, but also one of the most critical parts of content marketing, and organic search traffic is incredibly important to the long-term success of your content. Reports of SEO's death have been greatly exaggerated. The cliche "SEO is dead" really refers to the grind-house article and

Google Now Rewards Secure Sites–What You Need to Know About Search’s Newest Ranking Factor

August 12, 2014
Google has officially added yet another ranking factor to the list. This past week, Google announced that whether or not a site is using site encryption will now affect the way that the search engine determines their rankings. This addition to the way Google's algorithm ranks sites is designed encourage developers to adopt HTTP, a type of data encryption intended to deter hackers and make data sharing more secure. Google's goal being to reward sites that are as secure as

Negative SEO: What It Is and How You Can Protect Yourself

July 28, 2014
Here’s the scenario: you're sipping your coffee and firing up your favorite RSS reader, checking the latest SEO news feeds while you caffeinate. You see a blog post reporting that the latest edition of Google’s Penguin algorithm has gone live. What do you do? Should you even care? There are algorithm updates happening all the time, what’s the best way to protect your site against the next Google tidal wave without driving yourself crazy? In the spring of 2012 the world



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